buffer overflow is tracked but usrp_driver is not shut down before it happens
and it looks like it occurs for 253th time (and not 126th). at least in clr_freq...
Checking USRP devices for lock.
Error in clrfreq_rx_worker, resetting rx_stream: -10.
READY_DATA: recreating rx_stream 253th time! (buffer overflow will occur for 126th time)
USRP_DRIVER waiting for command
USRP_DRIVER received command, status: 1
entering CLRFREQ command
CLRFREQ time: 229 . 0.25
CLRFREQ rate: 5000000.00, CLRFREQ_nsamples 2500, freq: 10550.00
CLRFREQ UHD clrfreq target time: 229 0.25
CLRFREQ actual rate: 5000000.00
CLRFREQ received samples, relaying 2500 samples back...
CLRFREQ samples sent for antenna 1...
Error: EnvironmentError: IOError: Radio ctrl (A) no response packet - AssertionError: bool(buff)
in uint64_t radio_ctrl_core_3000_impl::wait_for_ack(bool)
at /home/radar/repos/uhd/host/lib/usrp/cores/radio_ctrl_core_3000.cpp:198
buffer overflow is tracked but usrp_driver is not shut down before it happens and it looks like it occurs for 253th time (and not 126th). at least in clr_freq...