UARK-Quadcopter-Flight-Controller / DroneCTRL

The mobile application that will control the drone over the WIFI interface. Powered by Expo with the React Native framework using TypeScript.
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Research Interfacing ESP8266 with AT Commands #1

Open Dishoungh opened 3 years ago

Dishoungh commented 3 years ago

Since it looks like we're getting hardware issues resolved now, we will start using Github more to move forward with our progress.

I think Zach has already assigned you to lead the R&D for the mobile app. For whatever reason, I can only assign one person at a time, but @zackheil and I can assist if you need us with something.

I've been looking a little bit into interfacing with the ESP8266, but only for a couple of minutes. I found these:

ESP8266 AT Commands List ESP8266-React Github Project Interfacing ESP8266 with STM32F103C8 (Webserver) ESP8266 Basic AT Commands using Arduino

Whatever you find or work on, I recommend putting notes in the or wherever in the projects you feel is best.

Dishoungh commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue

Dishoungh commented 3 years ago

Reopening this issue and assigning it to Spencer