Many wheelchairs for disabled people where depend on other normal person to push them so they can move around and in order to assist physically handicapped people. The intelligent wheelchair with voice recognition such as run backward, run forward, left and right. It can provide easy access for physical disabled person who cannot control their movements especially the hands. This will be operating by a person who will be the owner the chair by set he or her voice for command verication and therefor when he or she want to operate the chair after sit on the chair the chair will sense the object such as a person and be activated and wait for command whereby the chair will recognize the voice and then he person will start to command the chair of the set command such as run forward, run backward, left right and stop.
Many wheelchairs for disabled people where depend on other normal person to push them so they can move around and in order to assist physically handicapped people. The intelligent wheelchair with voice recognition such as run backward, run forward, left and right. It can provide easy access for physical disabled person who cannot control their movements especially the hands. This will be operating by a person who will be the owner the chair by set he or her voice for command verication and therefor when he or she want to operate the chair after sit on the chair the chair will sense the object such as a person and be activated and wait for command whereby the chair will recognize the voice and then he person will start to command the chair of the set command such as run forward, run backward, left right and stop.