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2019_Companies And Services Mobile Applications #75

Open danielmtowe opened 5 years ago

danielmtowe commented 5 years ago

This problem of identifying the companies and their particular services,Also to advertise a particular services provided by a particular company will be solved by conducted the propsed project which is called Company and Services Mobile Application.Due to the technological revolution,a huge number of people are using smart phones or mobile phones,hence it’s clear that the best way is to go with the world and technological changes. This digital wolrd forces people to forget about Televisions,radios and Magazines as a major tools for advertisement.Instead they have to think alternatively because what company needs are customer to provide their services to make money and keeps the life moving on.So company have to target which place which are mostly people are available on which they can advertise their services and their company as well.People are using mobile phones in large exstent,people are using social medias but in case of social medias,There is not the best place to do their advertisements.People will ignores their advertisements since there is no attracted customers.they will waste their time and hope for their services.The simple way is to use this Company and Services Mobile Applications as their social medias to advertise their company,to advertise their services and to make them easly identified by other people who wants to join them, as a place for field or place for intership or job finders,making them very easy to fing them.