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Update werkzeug to 0.15.2 #192

Closed pyup-bot closed 5 years ago

pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

This PR updates Werkzeug from 0.11.12 to 0.15.2.

Changelog ### 0.15.2 ``` -------------- Released 2019-04-02 - ``Rule`` code generation uses a filename that coverage will ignore. The previous value, "generated", was causing coverage to fail. (:issue:`1487`) - The test client removes the cookie header if there are no persisted cookies. This fixes an issue introduced in 0.15.0 where the cookies from the original request were used for redirects, causing functions such as logout to fail. (:issue:`1491`) - The test client copies the environ before passing it to the app, to prevent in-place modifications from affecting redirect requests. (:issue:`1498`) - The ``"werkzeug"`` logger only adds a handler if there is no handler configured for its level in the logging chain. This avoids double logging if other code configures logging first. (:issue:`1492`) ``` ### 0.15.1 ``` -------------- Released 2019-03-21 - :class:`~exceptions.Unauthorized` takes ``description`` as the first argument, restoring previous behavior. The new ``www_authenticate`` argument is listed second. (:issue:`1483`) ``` ### 0.15.0 ``` -------------- Released 2019-03-19 - Building URLs is ~7x faster. Each :class:`~routing.Rule` compiles an optimized function for building itself. (:pr:`1281`) - :meth:` <>` can be passed a :class:`~datastructures.MultiDict` to represent multiple values for a key. It already did this when passing a dict with a list value. (:pr:`724`) - ``path_info`` defaults to ``'/'`` for :meth:`Map.bind() <routing.Map.bind>`. (:issue:`740`, :pr:`768`, :pr:`1316`) - Change ``RequestRedirect`` code from 301 to 308, preserving the verb and request body (form data) during redirect. (:pr:`1342`) - ``int`` and ``float`` converters in URL rules will handle negative values if passed the ``signed=True`` parameter. For example, ``/jump/<int(signed=True):count>``. (:pr:`1355`) - ``Location`` autocorrection in :func:`Response.get_wsgi_headers() <wrappers.BaseResponse.get_wsgi_headers>` is relative to the current path rather than the root path. (:issue:`693`, :pr:`718`, :pr:`1315`) - 412 responses once again include entity headers and an error message in the body. They were originally omitted when implementing ``If-Match`` (:pr:`1233`), but the spec doesn't seem to disallow it. (:issue:`1231`, :pr:`1255`) - The Content-Length header is removed for 1xx and 204 responses. This fixes a previous change where no body would be sent, but the header would still be present. The new behavior matches RFC 7230. (:pr:`1294`) - :class:`~exceptions.Unauthorized` takes a ``www_authenticate`` parameter to set the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header for the response, which is technically required for a valid 401 response. (:issue:`772`, :pr:`795`) - Add support for status code 424 :exc:`~exceptions.FailedDependency`. (:pr:`1358`) - :func:`http.parse_cookie` ignores empty segments rather than producing a cookie with no key or value. (:issue:`1245`, :pr:`1301`) - :func:`~http.parse_authorization_header` (and :class:`~datastructures.Authorization`, :attr:`~wrappers.Request.authorization`) treats the authorization header as UTF-8. On Python 2, basic auth username and password are ``unicode``. (:pr:`1325`) - :func:`~http.parse_options_header` understands :rfc:`2231` parameter continuations. (:pr:`1417`) - :func:`~urls.uri_to_iri` does not unquote ASCII characters in the unreserved class, such as space, and leaves invalid bytes quoted when decoding. :func:`~urls.iri_to_uri` does not quote reserved characters. See :rfc:`3987` for these character classes. (:pr:`1433`) - ``get_content_type`` appends a charset for any mimetype that ends with ``+xml``, not just those that start with ``application/``. Known text types such as ``application/javascript`` are also given charsets. (:pr:`1439`) - Clean up ```` module, remove outdated hashlib support. (:pr:`1282`) - In :func:`~security.generate_password_hash`, PBKDF2 uses 150000 iterations by default, increased from 50000. (:pr:`1377`) - :class:`~wsgi.ClosingIterator` calls ``close`` on the wrapped *iterable*, not the internal iterator. This doesn't affect objects where ``__iter__`` returned ``self``. For other objects, the method was not called before. (:issue:`1259`, :pr:`1260`) - Bytes may be used as keys in :class:`~datastructures.Headers`, they will be decoded as Latin-1 like values are. (:pr:`1346`) - :class:`~datastructures.Range` validates that list of range tuples passed to it would produce a valid ``Range`` header. (:pr:`1412`) - :class:`~datastructures.FileStorage` looks up attributes on ``stream._file`` if they don't exist on ``stream``, working around an issue where :func:`tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile` didn't implement all of :class:`io.IOBase`. See (:pr:`1409`) - :class:`CombinedMultiDict.copy() <datastructures.CombinedMultiDict>` returns a shallow mutable copy as a :class:`~datastructures.MultiDict`. The copy no longer reflects changes to the combined dicts, but is more generally useful. (:pr:`1420`) - The version of jQuery used by the debugger is updated to 3.3.1. (:pr:`1390`) - The debugger correctly renders long ``markupsafe.Markup`` instances. (:pr:`1393`) - The debugger can serve resources when Werkzeug is installed as a zip file. ``DebuggedApplication.get_resource`` uses ``pkgutil.get_data``. (:pr:`1401`) - The debugger and server log support Python 3's chained exceptions. (:pr:`1396`) - The interactive debugger highlights frames that come from user code to make them easy to pick out in a long stack trace. Note that if an env was created with virtualenv instead of venv, the debugger may incorrectly classify some frames. (:pr:`1421`) - Clicking the error message at the top of the interactive debugger will jump down to the bottom of the traceback. (:pr:`1422`) - When generating a PIN, the debugger will ignore a ``KeyError`` raised when the current UID doesn't have an associated username, which can happen in Docker. (:issue:`1471`) - :class:`~exceptions.BadRequestKeyError` adds the ``KeyError`` message to the description, making it clearer what caused the 400 error. Frameworks like Flask can omit this information in production by setting ``e.args = ()``. (:pr:`1395`) - If a nested ``ImportError`` occurs from :func:`~utils.import_string` the traceback mentions the nested import. Removes an untested code path for handling "modules not yet set up by the parent." (:pr:`735`) - Triggering a reload while using a tool such as PDB no longer hides input. (:pr:`1318`) - The reloader will not prepend the Python executable to the command line if the Python file is marked executable. This allows the reloader to work on NixOS. (:pr:`1242`) - Fix an issue where ``sys.path`` would change between reloads when running with ``python -m app``. The reloader can detect that a module was run with "-m" and reconstructs that instead of the file path in ``sys.argv`` when reloading. (:pr:`1416`) - The dev server can bind to a Unix socket by passing a hostname like ``unix://app.socket``. (:pr:`209`, :pr:`1019`) - Server uses ``IPPROTO_TCP`` constant instead of ``SOL_TCP`` for Jython compatibility. (:pr:`1375`) - When using an adhoc SSL cert with :func:`~serving.run_simple`, the cert is shown as self-signed rather than signed by an invalid authority. (:pr:`1430`) - The development server logs the unquoted IRI rather than the raw request line, to make it easier to work with Unicode in request paths during development. (:issue:`1115`) - The development server recognizes ``ConnectionError`` on Python 3 to silence client disconnects, and does not silence other ``OSErrors`` that may have been raised inside the application. (:pr:`1418`) - The environ keys ``REQUEST_URI`` and ``RAW_URI`` contain the raw path before it was percent-decoded. This is non-standard, but many WSGI servers add them. Middleware could replace ``PATH_INFO`` with this to route based on the raw value. (:pr:`1419`) - :class:`~test.EnvironBuilder` doesn't set ``CONTENT_TYPE`` or ``CONTENT_LENGTH`` in the environ if they aren't set. Previously these used default values if they weren't set. Now it's possible to distinguish between empty and unset values. (:pr:`1308`) - The test client raises a ``ValueError`` if a query string argument would overwrite a query string in the path. (:pr:`1338`) - :class:`test.EnvironBuilder` and :class:`test.Client` take a ``json`` argument instead of manually passing ``data`` and ``content_type``. This is serialized using the :meth:`test.EnvironBuilder.json_dumps` method. (:pr:`1404`) - :class:`test.Client` redirect handling is rewritten. (:pr:`1402`) - The redirect environ is copied from the initial request environ. - Script root and path are correctly distinguished when redirecting to a path under the root. - The HEAD method is not changed to GET. - 307 and 308 codes preserve the method and body. All others ignore the body and related headers. - Headers are passed to the new request for all codes, following what browsers do. - :class:`test.EnvironBuilder` sets the content type and length headers in addition to the WSGI keys when detecting them from the data. - Intermediate response bodies are iterated over even when ``buffered=False`` to ensure iterator middleware can run cleanup code safely. Only the last response is not buffered. (:pr:`988`) - :class:`~test.EnvironBuilder`, :class:`~datastructures.FileStorage`, and :func:`wsgi.get_input_stream` no longer share a global ``_empty_stream`` instance. This improves test isolation by preventing cases where closing the stream in one request would affect other usages. (:pr:`1340`) - The default ``SecureCookie.serialization_method`` will change from :mod:`pickle` to :mod:`json` in 1.0. To upgrade existing tokens, override :meth:`~contrib.securecookie.SecureCookie.unquote` to try ``pickle`` if ``json`` fails. (:pr:`1413`) - ``CGIRootFix`` no longer modifies ``PATH_INFO`` for very old versions of Lighttpd. ``LighttpdCGIRootFix`` was renamed to ``CGIRootFix`` in 0.9. Both are deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0. (:pr:`1141`) - :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.json.JSONMixin` has been replaced with Flask's implementation. Check the docs for the full API. (:pr:`1445`) - The contrib modules are deprecated and will either be moved into ``werkzeug`` core or removed completely in version 1.0. Some modules that already issued deprecation warnings have been removed. Be sure to run or test your code with ``python -W default::DeprecationWarning`` to catch any deprecated code you're using. (:issue:`4`) - ``LintMiddleware`` has moved to :mod:`werkzeug.middleware.lint`. - ``ProfilerMiddleware`` has moved to :mod:`werkzeug.middleware.profiler`. - ``ProxyFix`` has moved to :mod:`werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix`. - ``JSONRequestMixin`` has moved to :mod:`werkzeug.wrappers.json`. - ``cache`` has been extracted into a separate project, `cachelib <>`_. The version in Werkzeug is deprecated. - ``securecookie`` and ``sessions`` have been extracted into a separate project, `secure-cookie <>`_. The version in Werkzeug is deprecated. - Everything in ``fixers``, except ``ProxyFix``, is deprecated. - Everything in ``wrappers``, except ``JSONMixin``, is deprecated. - ``atom`` is deprecated. This did not fit in with the rest of Werkzeug, and is better served by a dedicated library in the community. - ``jsrouting`` is removed. Set URLs when rendering templates or JSON responses instead. - ``limiter`` is removed. Its specific use is handled by Werkzeug directly, but stream limiting is better handled by the WSGI server in general. - ``testtools`` is removed. It did not offer significant benefit over the default test client. - ``iterio`` is deprecated. - :func:`wsgi.get_host` no longer looks at ``X-Forwarded-For``. Use :class:`~middleware.proxy_fix.ProxyFix` to handle that. (:issue:`609`, :pr:`1303`) - :class:`~middleware.proxy_fix.ProxyFix` is refactored to support more headers, multiple values, and more secure configuration. - Each header supports multiple values. The trusted number of proxies is configured separately for each header. The ``num_proxies`` argument is deprecated. (:pr:`1314`) - Sets ``SERVER_NAME`` and ``SERVER_PORT`` based on ``X-Forwarded-Host``. (:pr:`1314`) - Sets ``SERVER_PORT`` and modifies ``HTTP_HOST`` based on ``X-Forwarded-Port``. (:issue:`1023`, :pr:`1304`) - Sets ``SCRIPT_NAME`` based on ``X-Forwarded-Prefix``. (:issue:`1237`) - The original WSGI environment values are stored in the ``werkzeug.proxy_fix.orig`` key, a dict. The individual keys ``werkzeug.proxy_fix.orig_remote_addr``, ``werkzeug.proxy_fix.orig_wsgi_url_scheme``, and ``werkzeug.proxy_fix.orig_http_host`` are deprecated. - Middleware from ``werkzeug.wsgi`` has moved to separate modules under ``werkzeug.middleware``, along with the middleware moved from ``werkzeug.contrib``. The old ``werkzeug.wsgi`` imports are deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0. (:pr:`1452`) - ``werkzeug.wsgi.DispatcherMiddleware`` has moved to :class:`werkzeug.middleware.dispatcher.DispatcherMiddleware`. - ``werkzeug.wsgi.ProxyMiddleware`` as moved to :class:`werkzeug.middleware.http_proxy.ProxyMiddleware`. - ``werkzeug.wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware`` has moved to :class:`werkzeug.middleware.shared_data.SharedDataMiddleware`. - :class:`~middleware.http_proxy.ProxyMiddleware` proxies the query string. (:pr:`1252`) - The filenames generated by :class:`~middleware.profiler.ProfilerMiddleware` can be customized. (:issue:`1283`) - The ``werkzeug.wrappers`` module has been converted to a package, and its various classes have been organized into separate modules. Any previously documented classes, understood to be the existing public API, are still importable from ``werkzeug.wrappers``, or may be imported from their specific modules. (:pr:`1456`) ``` ### 0.14.1 ``` -------------- Released on December 31st 2017 - Resolved a regression with status code handling in the integrated development server. ``` ### 0.14 ``` ------------ Released on December 31st 2017 - HTTP exceptions are now automatically caught by ``Request.application``. - Added support for edge as browser. - Added support for platforms that lack ``SpooledTemporaryFile``. - Add support for etag handling through if-match - Added support for the SameSite cookie attribute. - Added ``werkzeug.wsgi.ProxyMiddleware`` - Implemented ``has`` for ``NullCache`` - ``get_multi`` on cache clients now returns lists all the time. - Improved the watchdog observer shutdown for the reloader to not crash on exit on older Python versions. - Added support for ``filename*`` filename attributes according to RFC 2231 - Resolved an issue where machine ID for the reloader PIN was not read accurately on windows. - Added a workaround for syntax errors in init files in the reloader. - Added support for using the reloader with console scripts on windows. - The built-in HTTP server will no longer close a connection in cases where no HTTP body is expected (204, 204, HEAD requests etc.) - The ``EnvironHeaders`` object now skips over empty content type and lengths if they are set to falsy values. - Werkzeug will no longer send the content-length header on 1xx or 204/304 responses. - Cookie values are now also permitted to include slashes and equal signs without quoting. - Relaxed the regex for the routing converter arguments. - If cookies are sent without values they are now assumed to have an empty value and the parser accepts this. Previously this could have corrupted cookies that followed the value. - The test ``Client`` and ``EnvironBuilder`` now support mimetypes like the request object does. - Added support for static weights in URL rules. - Better handle some more complex reloader scenarios where sys.path contained non directory paths. - ``EnvironHeaders`` no longer raises weird errors if non string keys are passed to it. ``` ### 0.13 ``` ------------ Released on December 7th 2017 - **Deprecate support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.** CI tests will not run for these versions, and support will be dropped completely in the next version. (:issue:`pallets/meta24`) - Raise ``TypeError`` when port is not an integer. (:pr:`1088`) - Fully deprecate ``werkzeug.script``. Use `Click`_ instead. (:pr:`1090`) - ``response.age`` is parsed as a ``timedelta``. Previously, it was incorrectly treated as a ``datetime``. The header value is an integer number of seconds, not a date string. (:pr:`414`) - Fix a bug in ``TypeConversionDict`` where errors are not propagated when using the converter. (:issue:`1102`) - ``Authorization.qop`` is a string instead of a set, to comply with RFC 2617. (:pr:`984`) - An exception is raised when an encoded cookie is larger than, by default, 4093 bytes. Browsers may silently ignore cookies larger than this. ``BaseResponse`` has a new attribute ``max_cookie_size`` and ``dump_cookie`` has a new argument ``max_size`` to configure this. (:pr:`780`, :pr:`1109`) - Fix a TypeError in ``werkzeug.contrib.lint.GuardedIterator.close``. (:pr:`1116`) - ``BaseResponse.calculate_content_length`` now correctly works for Unicode responses on Python 3. It first encodes using ``iter_encoded``. (:issue:`705`) - Secure cookie contrib works with string secret key on Python 3. (:pr:`1205`) - Shared data middleware accepts a list instead of a dict of static locations to preserve lookup order. (:pr:`1197`) - HTTP header values without encoding can contain single quotes. (:pr:`1208`) - The built-in dev server supports receiving requests with chunked transfer encoding. (:pr:`1198`) .. _Click: ``` ### 0.12.2 ``` -------------- Released on May 16 2017 - Fix regression: Pull request ``892`` prevented Werkzeug from correctly logging the IP of a remote client behind a reverse proxy, even when using `ProxyFix`. - Fix a bug in `safe_join` on Windows. ``` ### 0.12.1 ``` -------------- Released on March 15th 2017 - Fix crash of reloader (used on debug mode) on Windows. (`OSError: [WinError 10038]`). See pull request ``1081`` - Partially revert change to class hierarchy of `Headers`. See ``1084``. ``` ### 0.12 ``` ------------ Released on March 10th 2017 - Spit out big deprecation warnings for werkzeug.script - Use `inspect.getfullargspec` internally when available as `inspect.getargspec` is gone in 3.6 - Added support for status code 451 and 423 - Improved the build error suggestions. In particular only if someone stringifies the error will the suggestions be calculated. - Added support for uWSGI's caching backend. - Fix a bug where iterating over a `FileStorage` would result in an infinite loop. - Datastructures now inherit from the relevant baseclasses from the `collections` module in the stdlib. See 794. - Add support for recognizing NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD platforms in the user agent string. - Recognize SeaMonkey browser name and version correctly - Recognize Baiduspider, and bingbot user agents - If `LocalProxy`'s wrapped object is a function, refer to it with __wrapped__ attribute. - The defaults of ``generate_password_hash`` have been changed to more secure ones, see pull request ``753``. - Add support for encoding in options header parsing, see pull request ``933``. - ``test.Client`` now properly handles Location headers with relative URLs, see pull request ``879``. - When `HTTPException` is raised, it now prints the description, for easier debugging. - Werkzeug's dict-like datastructures now have ``view``-methods under Python 2, see pull request ``968``. - Fix a bug in ``MultiPartParser`` when no ``stream_factory`` was provided during initialization, see pull request ``973``. - Disable autocorrect and spellchecker in the debugger middleware's Python prompt, see pull request ``994``. - Don't redirect to slash route when method doesn't match, see pull request ``907``. - Fix a bug when using ``SharedDataMiddleware`` with frozen packages, see pull request ``959``. - `Range` header parsing function fixed for invalid values ``974``. - Add support for byte Range Requests, see pull request ``978``. - Use modern cryptographic defaults in the dev servers ``1004``. - the post() method of the test client now accept file object through the data parameter. - Color run_simple's terminal output based on HTTP codes ``1013``. - Fix self-XSS in debugger console, see ``1031``. - Fix IPython 5.x shell support, see ``1033``. - Change Accept datastructure to sort by specificity first, allowing for more accurate results when using ``best_match`` for mime types (for example in ``requests.accept_mimetypes.best_match``) ``` ### 0.11.16 ``` --------------- - werkzeug.serving: set CONTENT_TYPE / CONTENT_LENGTH if only they're provided by the client - werkzeug.serving: Fix crash of reloader when using `python -m werkzeug.serving`. ``` ### 0.11.15 ``` --------------- Released on December 30th 2016. - Bugfix for the bugfix in the previous release. ``` ### 0.11.14 ``` --------------- Released on December 30th 2016. - Check if platform can fork before importing ``ForkingMixIn``, raise exception when creating ``ForkingWSGIServer`` on such a platform, see PR ``999``. ``` ### 0.11.13 ``` --------------- Released on December 26th 2016. - Correct fix for the reloader issuer on certain Windows installations. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage: