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Issue / Volume number in a series #52

Open ankosi opened 8 years ago

ankosi commented 8 years ago

It would be great it there were a seperate field to designate the volume number of a series. At the moment, we have to write the designation of the number in the same field as the number itself and there is no option for a translation, eg. if I insert: Band 1 it appears on our English sites as "Band 1" as well.

It would be fine to have a form field where I can write "Band" for the German site and "Vol." for the English (and the number itself seperatly in another field).

2016-03-02 09_50_08-series_number

kadowa commented 8 years ago

@AnjaKonopka, we can solve this by recording the series position only as a number and add a localized prefix "Band" or "Volume" only when it is displayed. Still, it's unfortunate that the description suggests you should add "Book" or "Volume" to the entry.

ankosi commented 8 years ago

@kadowa, to add a localized prefix was what I head in mind. We would write in the "main" field nothing but the pure number then.