UB-Mannheim / ocr-fileformat

Validate and transform various OCR file formats (hOCR, ALTO, PAGE, FineReader)
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page__text.xsl is not honoring the reading order #138

Closed mikegerber closed 1 month ago

mikegerber commented 3 years ago

page__text.xsl is not honoring the reading order in the PAGE-XML (pc:ReadingOrder), which gives completely false results. For this page, I get this text (shortened):

% docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/data ubma/ocr-fileformat ocr-transform page text OCR-D-GT-PAGE/OCR-D-GT-PAGE_00000024.xml | head

ein gleies vorgegeben, und ſo gar ſehr viele mahle gegen ae menſlie Mglikeit mit Gewalt for-
ciret worden zu ſeyn, behaupten wi, mithin neb dem Bredekaw, weler (§. 28. 29.)  in aen ſeinen
Auagen wiederſproen, mit der Pœna fal um do gewier zu belegen i, da
ſecund. Farin. Tit. 9. qu. 66. p. m. 320.
die Klage ſo wohl als das Zeugnß vor falſ und erditet mßen gehalten werden.
§. 35) So viel die von der Inquitin
write /dev/stdout: broken pipe

For comparison, dinglehopper-extract gives the correct text:

% dinglehopper-extract OCR-D-GT-PAGE/OCR-D-GT-PAGE_00000024.xml| head
rath mit einer Pœna fiſcali angeſehen worden, und ſolche durch des Hrn. Graffen von Königsfeld Vor-
ſpruch, nur aus Gnaden nachgelaſſen erhalten.
Sondern man hat auch dieſen 4. Wochen lang alle Abend bey der Inquiſitin gantz allein gelaſſen.
Binnen welcher gantzer Zeit der Schreiber Bredekaw beſtändig bey Ihme geweſen, und ſich in
der am 13 ten Octobr. a.c. in Judicio gegen ſeinen geweſenen Hrn. introducirter Appellation deſſen Bey-
raths bedienet hat;
§. 33) Dabenebenſt iſt der Schreiber binnen dieſer gantzen Zeit auf freyem Fuß geblieben, und
hat nicht nur durch ſeinen Conſulenten, ſondern auch, weilen der Inquiſitin ſelbſten in Ihrem Gefängnüß
ſo viele Freyheit gelaſſen worden, daß ſie frembden Beſuch von Ihren Anverwandten ohngehindert em-

Image from the ZIP (converted to JPEG), for easier understanding:


stweil commented 3 years ago

The XSL which is used for that conversion is too simple to handle more complex PAGE XML. I don't know whether a better XSL is available from other projects.

Did you try whether JPageConverter which is already used for the PAGE to ALTO conversion does a better job? As far as I know it can also produce text.

mikegerber commented 3 years ago

I would consider this a serious bug, not an enhancement.

stweil commented 3 years ago

It's both. PAGE XML is complex, so I would never expect a perfect tool which supports all of its features.

mikegerber commented 3 years ago

It's not imperfection by not supporting some features, it's producing a wrong result if it's not honoring the reading order, for a lot of real world PAGE XML files.

stweil commented 3 years ago

The texts in the XML file also look strange when I look at them with less or vi ("Mglikeit"). Do you use some special encoding? It's not UTF-8!

mikegerber commented 3 years ago

The file in https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/ocr-fileformat/issues/138#issue-895785528 was created (by a SBB contractor) using Aletheia and uses their encoding scheme, which uses a lot of PUA characters, which in part is based on MUFI (See (https://www.primaresearch.org/www/assets/tools/Special%20Characters%20in%20Aletheia.pdf)). So it's UTF-8, but with private characters. But encoding is an entirely different beast :-) (dinglehopper-extract gives different characters due to normalization, but that's not the issue here.)

bertsky commented 1 year ago

Sry, did not see this earlier. But I had the exact same use case. It's not so difficult to properly handle PAGE reading order in XSLT 1.0. This was solved along with https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/ocr-fileformat/pull/151.

(You can even pass XSLT parameters for what hierarchy level you want to extract from (default is highest) or what separators to use for concatenation: https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/ocr-fileformat/blob/3e32ef632ff439710d123ba700364703d07b47a9/xslt/page__text.xsl#L14-L21


ocr-transform page text --help-args
mikegerber commented 1 month ago

Probably fixed in #151