UB-Mannheim / zotkat

Erweiterung von Zotero für die Katalogisierung
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WQS: ISSN lookup for linking to journal #59

Open zuphilip opened 6 years ago

zuphilip commented 6 years ago

For a journalArticle Zotero has the information about the journal this item has published in as publicationTitle but also ISSN. In Wikidata the property P1433 links the journal article to its containing journal, but we don't know that Q-number when we start from Zotero.

However, the only missing part is some ISSN-QNumber lookup for journals. A complete list could contain up to 70.000 ISSNs. It is possible to use the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint for asking online about the QNumber for a given ISSN.

I experimented with an online lookup in the translator code: https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/zotkat/commit/fd10759c2e5d98c51e0dd8d378c7254fd91cc709 in the branch issn-lookup, but there were several problems... Not sure how to continue...

zuphilip commented 6 years ago

@mvolz mentioned in https://github.com/zotero/translators/issues/1376#issuecomment-318115143 to a question by @owcz

[zotkat's QuickStatements translator] can't add linked fields like the publicationTitle

Yes, that is exactly this issue here which I tried to solve in the commit mentioned above in the separat branch. However, there are some technical problems, and I still experimenting what is the best way to do some lookup in an Zotero export translator. But in principal it works to perform a SPARQL query to lookup the Wikidata id which correspond to an ISSN number.

zuphilip commented 3 years ago

I created a Zotero script https://gist.github.com/zuphilip/90acdc3eac4109830db1b3ab855fcb24 which does the lookup before and adds a line with the found journal in the extra field, which is then also exported.