UBC-DSCI / introduction-to-datascience-python

Open Source Textbook for DSCI100: Introduction to Data Science in Python
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Certain figure hyperlinks point to captions, others to image #339

Closed trevorcampbell closed 8 months ago

trevorcampbell commented 8 months ago

This happens in a few chapters, but e.g. in chapter 5, if you click hyperlinks for Fig 5.1, it scrolls the caption to be the top of the page (the figure is above that and thus is hidden). But Fig 5.2 is fine.

After some initial exploration, this is likely due to different ways we've done figures (probably a hold over from old initial translation code). One uses glue (seems to be working), the other involves a weird long string (some sort of mime type specifier or smth?)

For Fig 5.1 (not working properly):

perim_concav = alt.Chart(cancer).mark_circle().encode(
    x=alt.X("Perimeter").title("Perimeter (standardized)"),
    y=alt.Y("Concavity").title("Concavity (standardized)"),
:name: fig:05-scatter
:figclass: caption-hack

Scatter plot of concavity versus perimeter colored by diagnosis label.

For Fig 5.2 (working properly):

:tags: [remove-cell]

perim_concav_with_new_point = (
    .mark_point(opacity=0.6, filled=True, size=40)
        x=alt.X("Perimeter").title("Perimeter (standardized)"),
        y=alt.Y("Concavity").title("Concavity (standardized)"),
        shape=alt.Shape("Class").scale(range=["circle", "circle", "diamond"]),
        size=alt.condition("datum.Class == 'Unknown'", alt.value(100), alt.value(30)),
        stroke=alt.condition("datum.Class == 'Unknown'", alt.value("black"), alt.value(None)),
glue('fig:05-knn-2', perim_concav_with_new_point, display=True)
:::{glue:figure} fig:05-knn-2
:name: fig:05-knn-2

Scatter plot of concavity versus perimeter with new observation represented as a red diamond.