UBC-DSCI / jupyterhub-infrastructure

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Testing infrastructure docs #14

Open ttimbers opened 4 years ago

ttimbers commented 4 years ago

@jyoo980 @daisymzhang - there is a lot of things we need to keep track off for testing, for example the url of the grading jupyterhub, student jupyterhub and public Canvas course, etc. Can you please start recording this somewhere sensible? I keep migrating to issues to find this info and that seems a bit disorganized.

jyoo980 commented 4 years ago


I've documented the urls for the grading/student TLJH instances in this pull request.

I think it'll be fine for now for the docs to live in this repo. In the future, I think we should consider moving docs to purpose made infrastructure, like Confluence (there's a free tier), so we can maintain a separation of concerns between the project/code and associated documentation.

ttimbers commented 4 years ago

Would you choose this over something more Pythonic, like Sphinx (hosted on ReadTheDocs)? Or a wiki on this GitHub repo? For now, I'd even be happy with a .md file in the tests dir?

I guess, I just don't want to add another URL (or tool) to the mix (we already also have slack). I want this repo to serve as the home.

Also, I think the hubs you are now building are for testing only. When we start building course hubs, you are correct that this repo is not the place for that info.

jyoo980 commented 4 years ago

Now that you've reminded me that wikis exist for GitHub, you're totally right - I think that'll be a good way to go. I'll get to work on that - no need to spin up Confluence for this after all. When you have a hammer, I guess everything looks like a nail :P

jyoo980 commented 4 years ago


I've started a bare-bones wiki right in the repo: https://github.com/UBC-DSCI/rudaux/wiki

I'm going to close that other PR I opened and just start adding info to the page as I go along; much more efficient than opening a PR, waiting for approval, and merging.

@daisymzhang feel free to take a look!