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Setup your browser , jupyter environment & connect to the master node #28

Closed mgaroub closed 3 years ago

mgaroub commented 3 years ago


2.1) Under cluster summary > Application user interfaces > On-cluster user interfaces: Click on Enable an SSH Connection.

2.2) From instructions in the popup from Step 2.1, use: Step 1: Open an SSH Tunnel to the Amazon EMR Master Node. Remember you are running this from your laptop terminal, and after running, it will look like this.

2.3) From instructions in the popup from Step 2.1, please ignore Step 2: Configure a proxy management tool. Instead follow instructions given here, under section Example: Configure FoxyProxy for Firefox:. Get foxyproxy standard here

2.4) Move to application user interfaces tab, use the jupytetHub URL to access.

2.4.1) Username: jovyan, Password :jupyter. These are default more details here

2.5)[ OPTIONAL ] Remember, we are using EMR managed jupyterHub, and the setup they have is different from TLJH. So before you add users in jupyterHub, run this by SSHing into the master node. Follow the instruction cluster summary > Connect to the Master Node Using SSH. Remember, you are running this from your laptop terminal. Once you get inside the server/instance, add your team members.

sudo docker exec jupyterhub useradd -m -s /bin/bash -N sudo docker exec jupyterhub bash -c "echo : | chpasswd"

2.6) Login into the master node from your laptop terminal (cluster summary > Connect to the Master Node Using SSH), and install necessary packages. Here are needed packages based on the solution that I have; you might have to install other packages depending on your approach.

sudo yum install python3-devel sudo pip3 install pandas sudo pip3 install s3fs

IMPORTANT: Make sure ssh -i ~/ggeorgeAD.pem -ND 8157 hadoop@xxxxx.compute.amazonaws.com is running in your terminal window before trying to access your jupyter URL. Sometimes the connection might lose; in that case run that step again to access your jupyterHub.

Please attach this screen shots from your group for grading¶ https://github.ubc.ca/MDS-2020-21/DSCI_525_web-cloud-comp_students/blob/master/Milestones/milestone3/images/Task2.png