Deploy your app on Heroku and include the link to your deployed dashboard clearly visible near the top of your README.
Don’t push to Heroku after the milestone deadline.
We will compare the milestone release commits with the deployed app so updating it after the deadline will give a late penalty. If you want your newest changes online, you can create a new heroku repo.
Since your will be inside the src folder, you need to change the Procfile to web: gunicorn instead of what it is in the dash deployment docs.
I recommend creating requirements.txt manually and only fix the versions of dash and plotly.
Don’t forget to include gunicorn.
Don’t wait to deploy until Saturday night after you have implemented every single feature you want. You will not have time to solve potential issues.
Deploy early and check that things are working, then redeploy every now and then, especially after adding new package dependencies.
After making the milestone2 release, make a final push to Heroku to redeploy the miletone2 app.