UBC-MDS / Bee_Colony_Dashboard

A dashboard providing apiarists with valuable insights into bee colony health.
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Proposal Section 1: Motivation and Purpose #3

Closed danfke closed 2 years ago

danfke commented 2 years ago

In a few sentences, provide motivation for why you are creating a dashboard. Who is your target audience, and what role are you embodying? What problem could your dashboard solve for the intended user? You can read the Project background section for some rough ideas. Be brief and clear.

Example writeup:

Our role: Data scientist consultancy firm

Target audience: Health care administrators

Missed medical appointments cost the healthcare system a lot of money and affects the quality of care. If we could understand what factors lead to missed appointments it may be possible to reduce their frequency. To address this challenge, we propose building a data visualization app that allows health care administrators to visually explore a dataset of missed appointments to identify common factors. Our app will show the distribution of factors contributing to appointment show/no show and allow users to explore different aspects of this data by filtering and re-ordering on different variables in order to compare factors that contribute to absence.

danfke commented 2 years ago

Some notes on colony collapse disorder which could be used in our motivation:

During the winter of 2006-2007, some beekeepers began to report unusually high losses of 30-90 percent of their hives. As many as 50 percent of all affected colonies demonstrated symptoms inconsistent with any known causes of honey bee death:

Colony loss has declined since then but is still a concern. Theories of causes of CCD include an invasive mite, new or emerging diseases such as Israeli Acute Paralysis virus and the gut parasite Nosema, stress bees experience due to management practices such as transportation to multiple locations across the country for providing pollination services, changes to the habitat where bees forage, inadequate forage/poor nutrition, potential immune-suppressing stress on bees caused by one or a combination of factors identified above.

Source: EPA USA

Beekeeping is a critical component of modern agriculture. CCD not only threatens the beekeeping operations that provide pollination service and honey production but also has the potential for crippling the production of the many crops that are dependent on honeybees for pollination.

Blueberries and cherries, for example, rely on honeybees for up to 90 percent of their pollination. Although hand-pollination is a possibility for most fruit and vegetable crops, it is incredibly labor-intensive and expensive.

Source: https://www.britannica.com/story/what-would-happen-if-all-the-bees-died

scarlqq commented 2 years ago


Bees are one of the most essential components of modern agriculture. Most plants need to be pollinated by animal visitors, especially insects. A wide variety of flowering plants, such as the everyday visible fruits like apples and blueberries, require managed pollinators to be able to ensure production. Honey bees are ideal for pollination because they are easy to move and manage. However, during the winter of 2006-2007, some beekeepers in America began to report unusually high losses of 30-90 percent of their hives. Colony loss has declined since then but is still a concern. Since number of bee colonies is closely related to agricultural production, there is a need for both decision-makers and practitioners in the direction of agriculture to know the status of local bee colonies, especially the number and the loss trend. To meet the needs of agricultural development, we decided to build a data visualization app with open data to ensure that agricultural practitioners can explore bee colony data visually. Our application will display the number of bee colonies in each state of the United States over the years and allow users to explore changes in colony numbers by filtering by state and time.

Please let me know if there's any other ideas!
manju-abhinandana commented 2 years ago

Along with Agricultural practitioners, Beekeepers/Apiarists also could be added as target audience.

danfke commented 2 years ago

Since number of bee colonies is closely related to agricultural production, there is a need for both decision-makers and practitioners in the direction of agriculture to know the status of local bee colonies, especially the number, loss trend, and colony stressors.

scarlqq commented 2 years ago

Our role: Data scientist consultancy firm Target audience: Agricultural practitioners, Beekeepers/Apiarists Bees are one of the most essential components of modern agriculture. Most plants need to be pollinated by animal visitors, especially insects. A wide variety of flowering plants, such as the everyday visible fruits like apples and blueberries, require managed pollinators to be able to ensure production. Honey bees are ideal for pollination because they are easy to move and manage. However, during the winter of 2006-2007, some beekeepers in America began to report unusually high losses of 30-90 percent of their hives. Colony loss has declined since then but is still a concern. Since number of bee colonies is closely related to agricultural production, there is a need for both decision-makers and practitioners in the direction of agriculture to know the status of local bee colonies, especially the number, loss trend, and colony stressors. To meet the needs of agricultural development, we decided to build a data visualization app with open data to ensure that agricultural practitioners can explore bee colony data visually. Our application will display the number of bee colonies in each state of the United States over the years and allow users to explore changes in colony numbers by filtering by state and time.