An interactive dashboard visualizing public sentiment and perceptions on American politics and the future of democracy, based on August 2018 survey data.
Hi team I organized and summarized feedbacks from peers last week for easy glance.
We can review these together, merge select ones we'd like to address
[x] The donut chart should be repositioned for prominence and its color scheme adjusted to align with typical political color associations, such as red for Republicans. (Mona)
[x] Instead of a traditional table, use a cross-tabulation table with proportional shapes to represent data on Trump's approval versus public opinion, making it easier for a general audience to interpret. (Mona)
[x] Clarify the relevance of the perceived likelihood of war on the chart or replace it with data that integrates more cohesively with the other dashboard elements. (Mona)
[x] The widget is a little hard to see - I would suggest highlighting it further (maybe having a box instead of a blue container that go all the way to the end) to help delineate the widget from the rest of the app
[x] The title can be made a bit bigger (it's easy to miss) (Mona)
[ ] Consider changing the size of subfonts for graphs (They are currently cut off on my 15" monitor) (Mona)
[x] Age Range Filter:Consider changing the marker colors to improve readability (maybe white would be a good contrast to the blue background) (Zeily)
[x] Age Range Filter:Adding a tooltip could help users make more precise selections (eg. used wished to select 20 to 25, tool tip could help with that)(Zeily)
[ ] Layout: Increase the size of the main title, as it seems smaller compared to subtitles like 'General correlations' and 'Elections: Donald Trump Focused', which can be confusing. Switching the colors between the main title and subtitles could also improve contrast, making the main title stand out more. (Zeily)
[ ] Layout:Fitting the dashboard on one screen to avoid scrolling would be a good plus. Although, this might be challenging given the amount of information - but perhaps reducing subtitle and table sizes could help. (Zeily)
[x] Bar Charts:Remove decimal points and zeros from percentages for better readability.(Zeily)
[x] Bar Charts:Consolidate legends for stacked bars to declutter the space.(Zeily)
[x] Bar Charts:Ensure that the 'Perceived Likelihood of War' responds to filter changes. If it is designed to not respond it would be good to communicate that to the user to avoid confusion. I am unsure on how this could be done - maybe via a small note or during the layout?(Zeily)
[x] Pie Chart:Since there is already a legend, consider removing repeating labels within the chart, keeping only the percentages. I really like the current highlighting of the section with the highest percentage by disconnecting it from the rest enhances quick understanding at a glance!! (Zeily)
[ ] Upon first glance, the dashboard appears a bit overwhelming due to the abundance of information. The subtitles like 'General Correlations' and 'Elections: Donald Trump Focused' overpowered the main title 'Cards Against Humanity: Future of Democracy and Elections in America'. (Sharon)
[x] It might be nice to have a clearer division between the 2 main columns of the dashboard: 'General Correlation' and 'Elections: Donald Trump Focused'. I started with the stacked bar chart and moved horizontally to the pie chart before realizing the horizontal bar chart. (Sharon)
[x] The y-axis on the stacked bar chart have excessive number of decimal points. Maybe make it consistent with the pie chart?
[x] There's a slight ambiguity when selecting age range, specifically when it falls between two labelled points. Maybe incorporate a tooltip or another indicator to highlight the selected age range?(Sharon)
[x] The horizontal bar chart legend seems redundant given that it's the same as the y-axis label and I'm not sure if it represents
[x] the whole population or the selected categories as it isn't updating with any filters.(Sharon)
[x] The table at the right-bottom corner is somewhat unintuitive and requires more effort to read compared to the other plots. Converting the counts into percentages could be a good start to make it more readable. (Sam)
[x] The 'very likely' part of the pie chart is disconnected which I don't see a huge importance of doing it.(Sam)
[x] It seems like the chart of Perceived Likelihood of War would not respond to any input changes. If it is as designed, you might consider adding borders around it to better separate it.(Sam)
[x] 'DK/REF' could be clearer if replaced by 'Don't know / Not answered"(Sam)
Hi team I organized and summarized feedbacks from peers last week for easy glance. We can review these together, merge select ones we'd like to address