UBC-MDS / DSCI-532_2024_19_food-price-tracker

An intuitive, interactive data visualization platform for drawing food price insights and enhancing cross-sector collaboration to address worldwide food-related challenges.
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4. Performance improvement #105

Closed JohnShiuMK closed 2 months ago

JohnShiuMK commented 3 months ago

All groups are required to meet the following four performance specifications:

Outside of these baseline requirements, your app will also be assessed for how well it performs. This means that there might be additional things that you need to consider, such as using VegaFusion, aggregating large scatter plots, using indications that the data is loading, etc. We are aware that the servers have some slowdown, and you won't be penalized for that of course, but if your app is noticeably slower than many other apps, you are expected to use what we discussed to speed it up (and remember that you are also allowed to sample the data as long as what you are visualizing is meaningful).


srfrew commented 3 months ago

Suggestions for performance improvements

srfrew commented 3 months ago

Write that pre-fetching the data is a viable solution, but not able to implement for this milestone

JohnShiuMK commented 2 months ago

It's done after the implementation of geo view