UBC-MDS / DSCI522_group_12

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Milestone 2: Script #5: Report #24

Closed d-sel closed 3 years ago

d-sel commented 3 years ago

Presents EDA, summaries, figures in report.

larahabashy commented 3 years ago

Hey @HazelJJJ, just letting you that I plan on updating the eda analysis in the Rmarkdown and .md files that were done for Milestone 1. Please feel free to incorporate much of it in the final report.

d-sel commented 3 years ago

I added a second csv to show both models with default hyperparameters then optimization. They will be both in the results directory:

  1. prediction_prelim_results.csv <-- comparing accuracy vs f1 with default hyperparameters for each model

  2. prediction_hp_results <-- hyperparameter results with f1 scores.