UBC-MDS / DSCI532-peer-review

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Music_explorer - Group 30 #20

Open lirnish opened 2 years ago

lirnish commented 2 years ago

Name of the app: music_explorer Link to the repo in milestone2: https://github.com/UBC-MDS/music_explorer/tree/0.02 Link to the proposal.md file where it is the description of the persona and scenario: https://github.com/UBC-MDS/music_explorer/blob/main/docs/proposal.md

aldojasb commented 2 years ago

Hi guys! We are sending our peer review for you. Generally speaking, the app is great!! congrats! There are just a couple of suggestions for you.

Persona • Provide 3 pieces of constructive feedback that could help the app to be better suited to the scenario it was designed for

-> I would suggest firstly a session to explain what exactly each variable and plots mean. It might be difficult to understand them since there is a lot of information.

-> I would suggest moving the “Select the music genre” to the “How many songs in the genres selected?”, it makes it easier to understand what is happening in the dashboard.

-> For the “What are some artists' popularity trend, within the selected range and genres?” plot, I would suggest adding a simple ranking after this in order to make clear who are the top-5 artist in the last year, for instance.

• Provide 3 pieces of constructive feedback that could help the app to be better suited to the user(persona) it was designed for

-> As the user shouldn’t be a technical person, you can add a step-by-step explanation like a new label and explain the sequence of plots to use. -> Another suggestion is to create some tabs to put the information/plots in the sequence of analysis. That will make it easier to get insights. -> The background could have images from artists, or a Spotify layout to bring make the dash more friendly to the user.

Frontend / layout

• Is the text (plot labels / titles / subtitles) easy to read? -> Yes

• Are the plots selected appropiated for the data? Can you think of other alternatives or improvements for the plots regarding interactivity/reactivity or plot selection? -> yes

• Was the dashboard organized in a way that was easy to read (columns / rows) or you would suggest a change in this sense? ->yes

• Would you prefer including tabs / navbars to improve the navigation or you think it is better to visualize everything in one screen by the nature of the content? ->I would prefer tabs.

• Are the plots or other images described properly for the persona described? -> Yes,

Backend • Are the options that you can select in the widgets working fine or have you found some cases where it is not working? -> Yes, all tested widgets are working.

• If there are interactive plots: are the labels clear and easy to understand? ->Yes, the labels are clear.

Documentation • Was the documentation easy to understand from the README.md how to use the app? How could the documentation be improved? -> yes, the documentation is clear to understand. The suggestion is only to add more steps or a guide to make it easier for non-technical users. But generally speaking, it’s good!

• Was the app intuitive to use without reading the documentation? What information could be good to include? ->Yes, I could use the app without reading the documentation.

Indicate something you would like to include in your own app after reviewing this one -> I would like to include the step-by-step guide to my app. I think I can make the user’s navigation easier.