UBC-MDS / DSCI532-peer-review

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netflixpy_dashboard group 23 #26

Open jo4356 opened 2 years ago

jo4356 commented 2 years ago

App name: netflixpy_dashboard

helingogo commented 2 years ago


Frontend / layout



Indicate something you would like to include in your own app after reviewing this one

  1. We want to add more aesthetics to our dashboard, like adding background and title colors, using cards for some sections for a better layout.
  2. We may add more interactions to the plots, like showing the actual number of a selected area.
  3. We can add a line to clarify that the Winter and Summer Games were held in the same year up until 1992(after that, they staggered them such that Winter Games occur on a four-year cycle starting with 1994, then Summer in 1996, then Winter in 1998, and so on). So our users can understand the “unexpected” change of plots when they select “All” for Olympic seasons, without going to our repo to read through the documentation.
  4. We can limit the selection of our drop down lists and slider selections so that there are no cases where plots display no data to avoid any user confusion.