UBC-MDS / DSCI532_Group204_Vino

Examining and Exploring Wine Ratings Across the USA
MIT License
1 stars 3 forks source link

Peer Review #88

Open bbaillie opened 4 years ago

bbaillie commented 4 years ago

Aesthetics matter: First of all, the aesthetics of this dashboard are unreal. It's apparent that the aesthetics of this project meant a lot to this group; the app was a pleasure to get to look at. The colour scheme of blues and purples worked well together and fit with the wine theme. The font was pleasing to the eyes, and the size and colour of the font directed your eyes to the more important titles and labels, while still making the descriptions look clean and professional. Using a map for your first figure was also really cool, and was a great way to visually represent the data. All in all, your front page made for an extremely visually appealing app and for that I give you high praise.

Choose defaults wisely: For the geographic analysis figure, I really liked the default choice being California, as it was the state with the most observations and from which the user could learn the most. It seemed like the most logical choice for the default. The default of rating for the figure in the "Explore Rating, Price, & Value of Wines" tab seemed a bit arbitrary. That being said, I'm not sure there was a better option, because all choices would have been arbitrary.

Allow users to filter data (if applicable): The ability to filter by state was a great addition to the map figure. In addition to being able to use the dropdown it would have been nice to also click on the state to make a map of that state appear, but I understand that might have been an implementation nightmare. I think that while your second figure really embodies the idea of allowing users to filter data, as there are so many options for filtering, there is a lot going on, and it doesn't feel connected to the previous tab.

Less is more: In the geographic figure, the 'simple' addition of the map feature added a really nice layer to the whole app. I think this app would have been fine with just this one figure, because the figure in the second tab takes a lot away from the simple beauty your app has going for it. As I mentioned before, the second figure has a lot going on. I think the amount of filtering options would work better if they related to the the analysis going on in the first tab. By that I mean, perhaps being able to filter by state, and additionally by county, and then being able to explore the observations of price, rating, and value within that state and county by their region winery or grape variety would make the tabs feel more in tune with each other.

Really incredible job guys!