UBC-MDS / DSCI532_Group204_Vino

Examining and Exploring Wine Ratings Across the USA
MIT License
1 stars 3 forks source link

Peer review #89

Open doraqmon opened 4 years ago

doraqmon commented 4 years ago

Overall, you did an amazing job creating this aesthetically and fun-to-explore dashboard. The research questions and scenarios in your proposal are appropriate and well-chosen. All three visualizations are effectively displayed and the interactivity of these plots really helps users to make wine-related decisions in their daily lives. My feedbacks based on 4 principles of creating effective dashboards are listed below:

Think about the "onboarding" experience The onboarding experience of your dashboard is great. The high-level description of data on the top of the page is clear and informative. Also, the short paragraphs of instructions on each tab helped users to play with the data and navigate the dashboard. One thing you could improve is to change the layout on your second tab “wine feature comparisons”. I noticed the heatmap is under the bar graph, which requires users to scroll down to the bottom. I would suggest creating another tab to place the heat map so that users will not miss out on it.

Choose defaults wisely You did a great job choosing the defaults. On the first tab, the default state on your map is “California”, which is a smart choice as California has the most wineries. On the second tab, the number of observations defaults on 15, which is also reasonable. There is a minor issue with the default ranking of the histogram (i.e. Lowest to Highest). I understand that people would be interested in the region/winery with the lowest value or price. However, your default value for the y-axis is rating, which highlights the region/winery with the lowest rating. I would suggest to use a dynamic default value for ranking or change the default y-axis to value or price.

Aesthetics matter Your dashboard is absolutely amazing in terms of aesthetics. The beautiful styling and consistent colour scheme are impressive. The background picture of wine in your Jumbotron is well chosen. I have a small suggestion for the description part. It would be great if you could increase the font size and use a darker colour.

Use a consistent layout The colour scheme is consistent on your dashboard and I really like you use purple colour in your Jumbotron to match the colours in the plots. The layout of your dashboard is well structured and easy to navigate. As I mentioned in the onboarding experience, the price and rating analysis (i.e. heatmap) can be put into another tab so that the layout of these tabs would be more consistent.