I was running into an error when trying to merge the report.md from the main repo, and I discovered it's because the version of report.Rmd that you knitted outputted a report.md file without the table of contents. I believe you need to update your Rmarkdown: https://ubc-mds.slack.com/archives/C24HUNRJL/p1579637262108700 (James' comment on Slack about why the toc isn't working when you knit files).
This pull request is just to update the report.md file so that it shows the toc again.
Hi @zouwenjiao ,
Thanks for making edits!
I was running into an error when trying to merge the report.md from the main repo, and I discovered it's because the version of report.Rmd that you knitted outputted a report.md file without the table of contents. I believe you need to update your Rmarkdown: https://ubc-mds.slack.com/archives/C24HUNRJL/p1579637262108700 (James' comment on Slack about why the toc isn't working when you knit files).
This pull request is just to update the report.md file so that it shows the toc again.