UBC-MDS / DSCI_522_US_social_determinants_of_health_by_county

MIT License
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Milestone 1 Feedback #48

Open pgysbers opened 2 years ago

pgysbers commented 2 years ago
  1. A+
  2. A+
    • don't need 522 in the repo name
    • the licence should be copyrighted to your names not MDS (it is your work)
  3. A-
    • You can be more specific in your question (don't just say "features", at least give example or summary term e.g. "Is the weather associated with COVID-19 prevalence?")
    • Give an example of visualization you will make (can be more specific there too)
  4. A+, A+
  5. A+, A+, A, A- (a,q,v,r)
    • can't read some titles/labels
    • What is your interpretation of the preliminary analysis? Do any predictors stand out as useful?
  6. B+
    • confused by tags, is 1.1 before 0.0.1?
    • a lot of commits are not descriptive (just "update file") and a large proportion are made by a single person
alexYinanGu0 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thank you for the feedback. We made several changes accordingly.

  1. Changed the license to be copyrighted to our names
  2. Add reference in README
  3. Changed titles and labels to be more readable
  4. Added interpretation of the preliminary analysis
  5. Deleted tag 1.1

We will also pay attention to make commits more informational.