UBC-MDS / DSCI_522_group09_Wine_Quality_Predictor

A machine learning pipeline for classification and prediction of wine quality based on relevant features
MIT License
4 stars 6 forks source link

Formal Project Proposal #9

Closed gfairbro closed 2 years ago

gfairbro commented 2 years ago

Choose a public data set from the web that you are interested in to carry out a small data analysis. You may also use any data set we have previously worked with in MDS. Correctly cite where your data set is coming from in your proposal. Be sure that it is a data set that is licensed to be shared and used openly on the internet.

With your data set, identify one main predictive or inferential research question that you will attempt to answer with analyses and visualizations (more on this below). Clearly state the research question and any natural sub-questions you need to address, and their type.

Make a plan of how you will analyze the data (report an estimate and confidence intervals? hypothesis test? classification with a decision tree?). Choose something you already learned how to do in another MDS course.

Discuss at least one exploratory data analysis (EDA) table and one exploratory data analysis figure you will create that makes sense for your research question, the data that you have, and the analysis you plan to do.

Suggest how you would share the results of your analysis as one or more tables and/or figures.

gfairbro commented 2 years ago

Dataset chosen, other items here have been split into Issues 19-21