Type: An .Rmd or .ipynb files that presents the key useful (not all!) exploratory data analysis as well as the statistical summaries and figures in a little report.
Contents: There should be a written narrative in this document that introduces and justifies your question, introduces the data set, presents the findings/results, and interprets the findings/results in context of the question. Some critique of the analysis is also expected (limitations, assumptions, etc) and a statement of future directions (what would you do next if you had more time to work on this).
Length: The report is expected to be 1-2 written pages (excluding figures, tables and references).
References: You are expected to have a reference section and cite 2-3 external sources (data source can be one of these citations) in addition to citing the programming languages and packages used.
Type: An .Rmd or .ipynb files that presents the key useful (not all!) exploratory data analysis as well as the statistical summaries and figures in a little report.
Contents: There should be a written narrative in this document that introduces and justifies your question, introduces the data set, presents the findings/results, and interprets the findings/results in context of the question. Some critique of the analysis is also expected (limitations, assumptions, etc) and a statement of future directions (what would you do next if you had more time to work on this).
Length: The report is expected to be 1-2 written pages (excluding figures, tables and references).
References: You are expected to have a reference section and cite 2-3 external sources (data source can be one of these citations) in addition to citing the programming languages and packages used.