UBC-MDS / Giant_Pumpkins_Weight_Prediction

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Meeting Minutes 23 Nov Tuesday #15

Open shivajena opened 2 years ago

shivajena commented 2 years ago

Agenda: Preparation for Milestone 2

  1. How to divide work? To ensure everyone has uniform contribution, we will be attempting all the scripts individually. Timeline for the same is Thursday Before 2 PM. Tentative around 1.30 PM?

  2. Version control Working on our forked repo, and raise pull requests after discussions

  3. Deliverables: 5 scripts, 1 done, to be modified if needed. To think over the ML script.

  4. Actions: Get script review from TA - Timeline: Lab session - Thursday

  5. Tentative first review: Figure out pendencies on Thursday lab session, then target friday noon for first draft.