UBC-MDS / RaincouverPrediction

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Milestone 4: Adjust figure #86

Open dorisyycai opened 9 months ago

dorisyycai commented 9 months ago

feedback: FIX: Your fig.3 has the x-axis labels a bit cut off. Suggest to re-size the image slightly. Your fig. 5 has quite a lot of white space padding. Suggest to resize the image.

Resize Images in figure 3 and 5. x-axis in figure 3 is truncated and figure 5 need to resized.

Consider adjusting the color scheme in the heatmap to enhance readability.

Figure & Table Display: Your table can be displayed as a table rather than as an image, perhaps by using the glue package.

yhan178 commented 9 months ago
  1. revise scripts/classification.py, increase fig and table resolution, remove paddings, adjusting fonts for better visualization
  2. adjust figure sizes in file reports/milestone4/raincouver_prediction_report4.ipynb for better visualizaion.
  3. Update eda.py, increase fig resolution, adjust fig 1 layout, adjust fig2 color scheme

Above listed peer suggestions have all been resolved.