UBC-MDS / Student_Success_Predict_Group15

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Jupyter book build issue #46

Open tangyl92 opened 6 months ago

tangyl92 commented 6 months ago

can someone change jupyter book build command as following? the path is not correct. "jupyter-book build report/student_success.ipynb"

billwan96 commented 6 months ago

I have read tiffany's milestone 4 and i think they remove the whole part of the src file in readme.

billwan96 commented 6 months ago

I have amend the readme file according to tiffany's version. Please tell me if you want to keep our original version, and I can update the jupyter-book command

billwan96 commented 6 months ago

at #47

hchqin commented 6 months ago

Thanks! I think the current workflow loos good