UBC-MDS / beijing_air_quality_analysis

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Week 1 Tasks and Discussions #1

Open MacyChan opened 2 years ago

MacyChan commented 2 years ago

Things that we need to complete:

Note for every one: git hub messages will be marked + we need to clone the repo, create branches et

Reference of GitHub structure

Screenshot 2021-11-18 at 2 21 11 PM
Jacq4nn commented 2 years ago

Agenda for 20 Nov 2021 Secretary: Macy Chan; Scribe: Jacqueline Chong; Commenced at: 11:00am Ended: 1:15pm)

  1. General Comments about project
  2. Comments by folder/document.

    1A. General Comments about project

    • Fork: ask someone else to merge pull requests
    • For issues: Post the aspects to improve on our code and output directly on 'Issues'

1B. How to deal with Issues tab?

1C. Question

  1. Things to fix: A. ReadMe: Intro: @vtaskaev1
    • [ ] Grammatical error: need to add " , " after "September 2021"
    • [ ] Add UCI link
    • [ ] Specify that we are conducting an inferential analysis.

Method: @zjr-mds

Results Interpretation:

Dependencies: @MacyChan

References: @MacyChan - [ ] add UCI link Edit MC: This should be edited by @vtaskaev1

B. Code of conduct @MacyChan

C. Contributing file @vtaskaev1



MacyChan commented 2 years ago

B. Code of conduct @MacyChan

  • [ ] Change layout of bullet points
  • [ ] Add part about expectations

This is about Expectation requirement from Canvas. "Everyone should contribute equally to all aspects of the project." @zjr-mds I think we can just make sure it is on our Project Contract. Then we are good.