UBC-MDS / beijing_air_quality_analysis

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Things to fix for Milestone 2 submission #32

Open MacyChan opened 2 years ago

MacyChan commented 2 years ago

I have reorganised a potential structures for our project


Actual Content


raw file for unzipped data processed data for needed data only


download and unzip data to /data/raw eda report create exploratory data analysis figure and write to file /results create hypothesis testing data/figures and write to file /results


EDA figures hypothesis testing data/figures


a bunch of child RMD for the content of final report a reference file render final report (Output Rmd, md, html) /doc

Reference: https://github.com/ttimbers/breast_cancer_predictor/tree/v2.0 https://github.com/mine-cetinkaya-rundel/fresh-ds

Milestone 2 summary https://pages.github.ubc.ca/mds-2021-22/DSCI_522_dsci-workflows_students/materials/assignments/milestone2.html

Jacq4nn commented 2 years ago

Changes to be made: SRC


Jacq4nn commented 2 years ago

For reference: https://github.com/mine-cetinkaya-rundel/fresh-ds

MacyChan commented 2 years ago

Final report Rmd

  1. Hypothesis Testing - better Unbold the title
  2. Figure 1 has two captions Remove the fig.cap so that it is normal for both version Figure 1. China has yet to reach the point of inflexion Figure 1: China has yet to reach the point of inflexion (Sanders 2017)