Open negsadr opened 1 year ago
Hi @negsadr, thank you very much for your valued feedback. We have a few questions regarding the deductions for mechanics.
1. the app's reactivity and your comment "-It is not possible to remove a country after selecting it." Could you clarify what you mean by this? Our app shows data for single cities within a state and not countries. We did not implement the ability to remove a location as this was not in our plans.
2. Not one branch by team member. It is not possible to recognize the contribution of each team member. Our group successfully made use of individual branches for each task we took on. Please review our use of branches in our commit history.
Thank you, Group 3
Hi @negsadr, we have a grade of 49/58 on canvas but there is only 6 point deductions on here. Could you clarify? Thank you, Group 3
I'm sorry for the confusion. The feedback posted here was actually not yours!
Now you should be able to see the correct feedback. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi @negsadr and @flor14,
Thank you again for your feedback. We hope to explain our reasoning and receive some clarifications on the deductions from our milestone 2 submission.
Users have the option to click on the map to change the summary statistics and line plot and display the ‘Elevation’ and ‘Distance to Coast’ information, but it was not our intention for this to be updated with the control panel.
Our function was true to the description in our readme:
Based on user’s selection, our app will present: A map showing the average temperature or precipitation levels based on the range chosen by the user. City points are coloured from low to high temperature or precipitation levels.
Our app’s reactivity is working as our group expected and intended.
There are two main reasons why the app is organized with two tabs. The first reason is they show two different intentions ; the first tab describes data of a selected CITY and the second tab shows an overview of a specific STATE. The second reason is that it can alleviate the cognitive burden on the user by presenting a limited number of plots on the screen at a time.
It was also not mentioned in the milestone 2 instruction that we need to put a specific amount of elements in a single tab. But still according to this rubric, both tabs of our app contain 2-3 plots. We also used layout functions throughout our code to organize our plots. Could we get clarification on this deduction?
The size of the labels in our bar charts is not proportionate to the size of the bars as in Negar’s feedback, it might not be aesthetically beautiful but we believe that the plots and fonts are still easy to read and legible as the rubric mentioned. Proportionate font size is an improvement we can consider for the future but it was not intended for our milestone 2 submission.
Here is our repo release from milestone 2. We hope you will consider re-grading our submission based on the points above.
Thank you, Group 3
Congrats team on finishing your project and hope you enjoyed working on it while learning. Upon your request I have modified your grade as below:
You are right! Your app is working as intended, but my point is that it might not work as the user will probably expect which may lead to confusion. Anyways, I will add +2
points to your grade as it was an issue of design but not implementation.
The number of plots should be more than 2 for each tab, but not equal to two, so unfortunately I can't add any marks here.
I will add +1.5
here as this does not happen all the time and only when there are a few cities in that state.
1. Submission instructions
Well done!
2. Developing your Shiny App
rubric={mechanics:15, quality:5, viz:15, accuracy:7}
The apps's reactivity is working as expected (for example, if it is a dropdown menu, modifiying the option will change the related plot) -2 mechanics (in total)
The elements of the app aren't organized. There are not too many elements on the screen (>2-3 plots). There aren't layout functions implemented. -2 viz
The plots, labels and titles are easy to read and legible in the fonts and sizes selected for an app with 100% Zoom in a browser. -3 quality
Comments: -Map is not reflecting any filter selections. -In the “City Ranking by temp/rain” tab is there a specific reason for your decision to double coding (colour and size) precipitation and temperature? You might consider merging two tabs into one dashboard, given the amount of information in each tab. -In the “City Ranking by temp/rain” tab, when there are few cities in a state the size of the bars is not proportionate to the labels:
3. Reflection
Well done!
4.Improve the README
Well done!