UBC-MDS / dsci522-group16

This is the repo for the group project for DSCI 522 (group 16)
MIT License
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Peer Feedback (Craig) #40

Closed cmmclaug closed 3 years ago

cmmclaug commented 3 years ago

Hey Group16!

Looks like you guys are pretty close to having your question and project wrapped up! I think you guys chose an interesting dataset and question, and I wonder how many other datasets might be available to help augment your analysis. I don't have too many big suggestions below, and I hope I gave you enough time to polish your work.

Documentation: All of the scripts seem documented properly and it's clear what they're doing. One thing I might nitpick is the main project README has a very long about section. It might be nice to split it into two sections, one that summarizes the project, and the other that goes into more detail.

Code: No major code issues, and scripts are broken into logical units. Things to note:

Reproducibility: I had an issue running make all in the conda environment. I don't want it to be too big of a deal as it might of just been something I did wrong on my end, and we're moving to docker this Milestone regardless. Here's my output in case it helps: python src/test_cancer_prediction.py --in_test_file='data/raw/test.csv' --model='results/trained_model.sav' --out_file='results/prediction_table.csv' Usage: test_cancer_prediction.py --in_test_file=<in_file> --in_model=<in_model> --out_matrix=<out_matrix> --out_table=<out_table> make: *** [results/prediction_table.csv] Error 1

Analysis and Reasoning: The analysis uses the methodologies we've been taught well. It might be nice to have a little more discussion on some of the figures produced and the thought processes. There is a duplicate EDA0.ipynb file, is this something to be cleaned up?

Communication: Just reiterating the last comment above that it might be nice to have more discussion on all your work!

Suggestions: See the above for suggestions!

Final week of fall classes, good luck in wrapping up your project! I hope my comments are useful!