UBC-MDS / eda_utils_py

This package focuses on the tasks of dealing with outlier and missing values, scaling, and correlation visualization.
MIT License
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Group meetings #9

Open fatse opened 3 years ago

fatse commented 3 years ago

Hi team 👋

As we agreed during the lab, our next meeting will be on Thursday (25 Feb) at 5.30 pm PST. Here's the zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/63361509508?pwd=VTZrbllqSXRpRXZnVjJPaDhrK3R6dz09

micahkwok commented 3 years ago

Hi Everyone,

This week's group meeting will be on Friday (March 5) at 11:00am PST. Fatime will provide a zoom link for us :)

fatse commented 3 years ago

Here's the zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/65484115184?pwd=UU5zOVpIQnZwMGlZZVBEc1JPTHZQdz09

fatse commented 3 years ago

As we agreed our next group meeting will be on Friday (12 March) at 10.30 am PST. Here's the zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/65128271485?pwd=UXNmTFBQSVBsTTd5SVc0dkZsRWhJZz09

fatse commented 3 years ago

Here's the zoom link for our tentative meeting scheduled for this Saturday (13 March) at 6.30 pm: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/64226882221?pwd=T25Bd0hUQkdQZ0RGT0FSUjR2dExpdz09

fatse commented 3 years ago

As we agreed in today's lab (17 March), our next group check-in will be on Friday at 2.00 pm PST. Zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/64226882221?pwd=T25Bd0hUQkdQZ0RGT0FSUjR2dExpdz09