"Take a look at the plot below that contains the data for hotel bookings and the number of days in advance they were booked." > "Take a look at the plot below that visualizes hotel bookings data, in particular the number of guests and the number of days rooms were booked in advance."
Can we make the plots shorter, so that we can fit all three in the laptop screen to compare them all together?
What does many mean here in the legend?
The correct answer here needs to be toned down, at least the first sentence. In particular, I find "it appears that they require less advance notice for their stays" concluding too much from the data shown here.
Question 2
It is currently difficult to compare these two plots because the scales on the x-axis differ.
It seems that there is some assumption being made that people who stay a night alone in a hotel do not have childcare responsibilities? Or that they are not in a relationship? I think this is a bit of a reach and we should steer clear from this narrative.
The right narrative here is really tricky. There does seem to be a pretty big difference between the number of corporate booking for single guest travel stays, compared to multiple guest travel stays (~ 17% vs ~ 2%). So if I were telling the story here, I would point that out. However, it is not like all, or even the majority are corporate bookings, so all we can say is that there are more bookings that appear business-related for single guest travel stays, compared to multiple guest travel stays. It is possible we are underestimating the the number of business-related bookings for single guest travel stays, as not all business-stays need to be booked via corporate booking services, but without additional data we cannot tell for sure.
Chapter 6
I don't understand the question "If we are interested in certain countries, Altair gives up the ability to display these locations zoomed-in." What do you mean by the ability to display these locations zoomed-in?
Chapter 8
please add a question before this where they just make the map with one colour (no external data), so they can start coding with an easier question.
please drop the tooltip, we don't even use this in the slides.
Is the best projection being used here?
please make adding the title a separate question, or just give it to them? There is already a lot going on here.
Is this a sensitive plot to folks from Africa? It makes me a bit emotional to be honest. Can we pick a different data set (the pandemic just so sad right now. Maybe we want to keep to safer topics for our learners? At least for these shorter Q's where we cannot go into detail?
Chapter 11
Please make both plot panels (Q1 & Q2) fit within a laptop screen at 100% zoom.
Chapter 12
By having the male female plots at the top, it looks like the titles for male and female that you apply to them should be applied to all the subfigures (which is not the case). There are big sex-differences in penguins, maybe it makes sense to split them all up by sex? Or have some where both sexes are plotted in one plot?
Can we just give them the visualization titles, I think putting these in are not the point of this plot.
This is a long one, can we make it clear with comments where they should put their answer?
Chapter 3
insignts > insights
Chapter 4
Question 1
Question 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Chapter 12