If you ever come across the error log shown below while running preprocess_n_tune.py or evaluate.py, please know that it's because the package dataframe_image makes use of the chromium driver to generate images and it's reported here. However, this doesn't prevent you from getting the actual images and the scripts will still work successfully.
[1129/193712.852188:ERROR:xattr.cc(63)] setxattr org.chromium.crashpad.database.initialized on file /var/folders/p_/yncn264d7svb2gwt2bwhny2h0000gn/T/: Operation not permitted (1)
[1129/193712.859202:ERROR:file_io.cc(94)] ReadExactly: expected 8, observed 0
[1129/193712.861856:ERROR:xattr.cc(63)] setxattr org.chromium.crashpad.database.initialized on file /var/folders/p_/yncn264d7svb2gwt2bwhny2h0000gn/T/: Operation not permitted (1)
[1129/193714.620576:INFO:headless_shell.cc(653)] Written to file /var/folders/p_/yncn264d7svb2gwt2bwhny2h0000gn/T/tmpptri6gv7/temp.png.
If you ever come across the error log shown below while running
, please know that it's because the packagedataframe_image
makes use of the chromium driver to generate images and it's reported here. However, this doesn't prevent you from getting the actual images and the scripts will still work successfully.