UBC-MDS / group21_top-three-predictors-of-term-deposit-subscriptions

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Meeting minutes #6 #62

Open JohnShiuMK opened 9 months ago

JohnShiuMK commented 9 months ago

Meeting #6 Date: December 4, 2023 Time: 2 pm Location: lab

Attendees: Jerry Yu John Shiu Sophia Zhao Zeily Garcia

Discussion Points: Ask Tiffany about the feedback from TA Work division / deadlines

Decisions Made:

Action Items: Makefile Start from previous MS by John https://github.com/UBC-MDS/group21_top-three-predictors-of-term-deposit-subscriptions/pull/47 root directory Well documented via README and comments inside Makefile what it does and how to use it Similar to individual assignment: have a “all” target so that you can easily run the entire analysis from top to bottom by running “make all” at the command line have a clean target so that you can easily “undo” your analysis by running make clean at the command line (e.g., deletes all generate data and files). TIPS The “all” target can be a .PHONTY target can create other targets that link up all the dependencies eg: data, analysis, figures, pdf, etc, -- build process only runs what’s necessary during development

50% of milestone → Changelog.md (Based on Teaching Team Feedback & Peer Review) Branch (added template - Z) https://github.com/UBC-MDS/group21_top-three-predictors-of-term-deposit-subscriptions/blob/CHANGE_LOG/CHANGELOG.md Teaching Team Feedback from MS1 (MS 2 and 3 feedback?) README.md: Insights and Future Directions section doesn't mention anything specfic. overall, the writing is very fancy. keep the text simple. Tianhong Zhao Commit of change: Release Number: Other Evidence: Update README instructions “run kernel” issue -- path (step 4) Report Introduction: provide at least 1-2 references in the introduction Tianhong Zhao Commit of change: Release Number: Other Evidence: License: you need a creative commons license as it would cover the project report along with the code Tianhong Zhao Commit of change: Release Number: Other Evidence: environment.yml or renv files: versions are missing from environment.yml for some R or Python packages ---- fixed (asbjchk.academic@gmail.com) Commit of change: Release Number: Other Evidence: Setup: Repository name is not relevant to the topic of the project. ---- fixed (asbjchk.academic@gmail.com) Commit of change: Release Number: 2.0.0 Other Evidence: Tables are lack of color and set unnamed 0 as id column Fu Hong Shiu Commit of change: Release Number: 3.0.0 Other Evidence: Organization: Jerry Yu We have the report notebook on the src folder Remove bank-additional-full.csv and data sets we dont use Delete the full analysis file (AND update the report where it is linked) Refer to code of conduct and contributing MD files in the README REPORT Z g Adding explanations When describing the preprocessing phase, it would be helpful to provide more context or reasoning behind the choice of transformations. Also, when describing scoring metrics, it would help if you provide more explanations on their definition and differences for those who are not familiar with these terms. In the report, delving a bit deeper into the rationale behind choosing logistic regression and decision trees—whether it's due to their interpretability, simplicity, or other factors—would provide valuable insight. Limitations: Factors like its assumptions of linearity and feature independence might be worth mentioning. UPDATING FUNCTION Jerry Yu Categorical bar charts, sorted! Removing matplotlib and try whether the whole report could be run Fu Hong Shiu

Narration is necessary!! “You will be graded on a sliding scale for this, the more improvements you make, the higher your grade for this part of the milestone will be. The improvements should be at least one per team member, and they should significantly improve the project. This minimum could earn at most 37.5/50. To earn more, you need to exceed these minimum improvements.” Ask Tiffany about already having worked on the improvements (in our milestone 3)

Next Meeting: Wednesday lab

Additional Notes:

JohnShiuMK commented 9 months ago

fyi @zth96 @jy1909 Thanks @zgarciaj