Your package documentation should be very clear by the end of this milestone. To do this, you should use vignette package-wide documentation in R, as well as the pkgdown R package to set up a website for your package. In doing this make sure you:
include a full usage demonstration of all your package functions (this means a runnable example - give them data!) in your vignette
include installation instructions in the README.Rmd file
examine Roxygen2 documentation of your functions to make sure it is clear
Your package documentation should be very clear by the end of this milestone. To do this, you should use vignette package-wide documentation in R, as well as the pkgdown R package to set up a website for your package. In doing this make sure you:
include a full usage demonstration of all your package functions (this means a runnable example - give them data!) in your vignette
include installation instructions in the README.Rmd file
examine Roxygen2 documentation of your functions to make sure it is clear