UBC-MDS / opinionated-practices-for-teaching-reproducibility

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Discuss how to choose failure cases to avoid targetting junior researchers #30

Closed joelostblom closed 2 years ago

joelostblom commented 2 years ago

I agree with the authors that studying cases of failure with real world consequences can be an invaluable pedagogical tool (pp. 5-7). However, I think it would benefit the manuscript to discuss how such cases might be selected. It seems that we might need to balance two aims in particular: the lessons that can be learned from the case and the power imbalances that exist in academia and industry. A problematic outcome of the use of failed cases as a pedagogical tool would be the targeting of junior or early career researchers. By comparison, I think there are ample cases to choose from that are already on the public record and involve more senior or established scholars/practitioners. In other words, I think it’s important to avoid using cases of failure to “punch down”, even if the broader purpose is well intentioned. Building on this point (and adding another example to potentially include in Table 1), the authors might discuss the “Reinhart-Rogoff” error, as it usefully illustrates the perils of Excel and involves two highly influential and senior economists (https://theconversation.com/the-reinhart-rogoff-error-or-how-not-to-excel-at-economics-13646)