Overall very well done! Your code runs smoothly, and is well written. We have just a few minor suggestions for your group.
Summarized comments from Tiff, Analise, Jordan, and Eric are below.
Feedback on the Report:
1) figure labels are too small to read
2) pull back on claims of the model because model is very close to random
3) looking at the data as proportions would be a more useful way to look at it
Code Feedback:
2) tests missing in functions
3)script main function needs to go to top of scripts so code purpose can be better understood
issues have been closed and addressed in documents, however no comments or pointers to commits or how the issue was addressed. This would be nice to help see where changes are being made.
Hello Seisomophobia Group!
Overall very well done! Your code runs smoothly, and is well written. We have just a few minor suggestions for your group.
Summarized comments from Tiff, Analise, Jordan, and Eric are below.
Feedback on the Report: 1) figure labels are too small to read 2) pull back on claims of the model because model is very close to random 3) looking at the data as proportions would be a more useful way to look at it
Code Feedback: 2) tests missing in functions 3)script main function needs to go to top of scripts so code purpose can be better understood