UBC-MDS / software-review-2022

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Submission Group 23: coordgeomr (R) #19

Open ZherenXu opened 2 years ago

ZherenXu commented 2 years ago

Submitting Author Name: Arlin Cherian, Jordan Casoli, Nico Van den Hooff, Zheren Xu Submitting Author Github Handle: @arlincherian, @jcasoli, @nicovandenhooff, @ZherenXu Repository: https://github.com/UBC-MDS/CoordGeomR Version submitted: v1.0.0 Submission type: Standard Editor: TBD Reviewers: Vera Cui, Jasmine ORTEGA, Mel Liow, Anahita Einolghozati

Archive: TBD Version accepted: TBD Language: en

Package: CoordGeomR
Title: A simple coordinate geometry helper package
    c(person(given = "Arlin",
           family = "Cherian",
           role = c("aut", "cre"),
           email = "arlin.cherian@ubc.ca"),
    person(given = "Jordan",
           family = "Casoli",
           role = c("aut"),
           email = "casolijordan@gmail.com"),
    person(given = "Nico",
           family = "Van den Hoodd",
           role = c("aut"),
           email = "nicovandenhooff@gmail.com"),
    person(given = "Zheren",
           family = "Xu",
           role = c("aut"),
           email = "xuzheren1998@gmail.com"))
Description: This starter package allows users to perform various geometric operations like calculate distance between them two parallel lines, distance between two n dimensional vectors, intersection of lines in 3-Dimensional space and so on. 
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: pracma
LazyData: true
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.1.2
    testthat (>= 3.0.0),
Config/testthat/edition: 3


Technical checks

Confirm each of the following by checking the box.

This package:

Publication options

MEE Options - [ ] The package is novel and will be of interest to the broad readership of the journal. - [ ] The manuscript describing the package is no longer than 3000 words. - [ ] You intend to archive the code for the package in a long-term repository which meets the requirements of the journal (see [MEE's Policy on Publishing Code](http://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)2041-210X/journal-resources/policy-on-publishing-code.html)) - (*Scope: Do consider MEE's [Aims and Scope](http://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)2041-210X/aims-and-scope/read-full-aims-and-scope.html) for your manuscript. We make no guarantee that your manuscript will be within MEE scope.*) - (*Although not required, we strongly recommend having a full manuscript prepared when you submit here.*) - (*Please do not submit your package separately to Methods in Ecology and Evolution*)

Code of conduct

suuuuperNOVA commented 2 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Estimated hours spent reviewing: 45 minutes

Review Comments

mel-liow commented 2 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1hr

Review Comments

jasmineortega commented 2 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1hours

Review Comments

  1. The "docs" folder is missing from the main repo and _pkgdown.yml is empty as well -- this is probably the source of the missing vignette mentioned by other commentors.
  2. There are specifics from Milestone 1 that are missing from the README that would really be great enhancements to the main page of the repo (ie. how this package fits in with the rest of the R ecosystem, etc) 3 . The documentation for dist_pll_lines_2d has a mistake under value/example
    d, A numerical value for distance between the two parallel lines

dist_pll_lines_2d(-4, 11, 23) d <- "2.9104"

As is, I thought this was some input I needed to create a var `d <-` to make the function work. It was a little confusing as a new user to the function. 
4.  I think the R documentation for `is_intersection_3d` description is too long. Just the first sentence of  the description would be sufficient -- "Determines whether two infinite lines intersect in 3-dimensional space." I don't think a full paragraph is necessary. 
5.  There are 17 active branches on the main repo and some of them seem repetitive and/or have now defunct purposes.  For example,  `feat_is_intersection_3d` and `feat_is_intersection`. I think for contributing purposes, it would be cut down on the number of branches. 

Overall, this was an extremely well done package and I'm impressed by the quality achieved in a few short weeks. I apologize for the nit-picky comments - it was hard to find things to comment on! So don't take these critiques too harshly. 😆 Great job! 
Anahita97 commented 2 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1

Review Comments

Great work! Here are some minor points to consider.