UBC-MDS / software-review-2024

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Group 19 - eda_mds #22

Open nicolebid opened 5 months ago

nicolebid commented 5 months ago

Submitting Author: @nicolebid All current maintainers: @korayt, @paolocodina, @srfrew, @nicolebid Package Name: eda_mds One-Line Description of Package: Basic EDA functions implemented to improve on core Pandas DataFrame functions. Repository Link: https://github.com/UBC-MDS/eda_mds Version submitted: v2.0.0 (Milestone 3) Editor: @ttimbers

Review 1: Tony Reviewer 2: Aishwarya Reviewer 3: Jordan Reviewer 4: Sharon

Archive: TBD JOSS DOI: TBD Version accepted: TBD Date accepted (month/day/year): TBD

Code of Conduct & Commitment to Maintain Package



Domain Specific & Community Partnerships

- [ ] Geospatial
- [ ] Education
- [ ] Pangeo

Community Partnerships

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[^1]: Please fill out a pre-submission inquiry before submitting a data visualization package.

Technical checks

For details about the pyOpenSci packaging requirements, see our packaging guide. Confirm each of the following by checking the box. This package:

Publication Options

JOSS Checks - [ ] The package has an **obvious research application** according to JOSS's definition in their [submission requirements][JossSubmissionRequirements]. Be aware that completing the pyOpenSci review process **does not** guarantee acceptance to JOSS. Be sure to read their submission requirements (linked above) if you are interested in submitting to JOSS. - [ ] The package is not a "minor utility" as defined by JOSS's [submission requirements][JossSubmissionRequirements]: "Minor ‘utility’ packages, including ‘thin’ API clients, are not acceptable." pyOpenSci welcomes these packages under "Data Retrieval", but JOSS has slightly different criteria. - [ ] The package contains a `paper.md` matching [JOSS's requirements][JossPaperRequirements] with a high-level description in the package root or in `inst/`. - [ ] The package is deposited in a long-term repository with the DOI: *Note: JOSS accepts our review as theirs. You will NOT need to go through another full review. JOSS will only review your paper.md file. Be sure to link to this pyOpenSci issue when a JOSS issue is opened for your package. Also be sure to tell the JOSS editor that this is a pyOpenSci reviewed package once you reach this step.*

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This option will allow reviewers to open smaller issues that can then be linked to PR's rather than submitting a more dense text based review. It will also allow you to demonstrate addressing the issue via PR links.

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Editor and Review Templates

The editor template can be found here.

The review template can be found here.

jcairn02 commented 5 months ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Readme file requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:

The README should include, from top to bottom:

NOTE: If the README has many more badges, you might want to consider using a table for badges: see this example. Such a table should be more wide than high. (Note that the a badge for pyOpenSci peer-review will be provided upon acceptance.)


Reviewers are encouraged to submit suggestions (or pull requests) that will improve the usability of the package as a whole. Package structure should follow general community best-practices. In general please consider whether:


For packages also submitting to JOSS

Note: Be sure to check this carefully, as JOSS's submission requirements and scope differ from pyOpenSci's in terms of what types of packages are accepted.

The package contains a paper.md matching JOSS's requirements with:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing:


Review Comments

Overall the only criticisms I have are minor structural and cosmetic changes. Great job overall!

  1. In the example usage “Options for categorical columns” the table displayed is too large for read the docs format. It requires some side scrolling that isn’t set up. It might be worth figuring out the best trade off. Either figuring out how to scroll on read the docs, eliminating the table or output only a subset of the columns for example purposes.
  2. The installation instructions aren’t in the readme, they are only linked in the readme. I personally don’t think this matters, but it is a standardized templating. A quick explanation in the readme and a detailed summary in the contributing.md could be a solution.
  3. No badges used. Could be a useful way to make the readme more interactive https://github.com/alexandresanlim/Badges4-README.md-Profile https://dev.to/envoy_/150-badges-for-github-pnk Some examples that may help
  4. The function usage section of the readme mentions to see the vignette, but no link is provided. I had no idea what a vignette was until I took this course. I recommend changing that word to documentation and referencing link. I don’t think everyone would know what you meant by this.
  5. The packages environment file (created from the install poetry command in the poetry.lock file) has a very high number of dependencies relative to the simplicity of the functions. I don’t understand the intricacies of how they were implemented, so maybe these are all needed, but if they are not, I suggest trimming or culling this file to focus on the dependencies required to make the functions work.
s-voon commented 5 months ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Readme file requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:

The README should include, from top to bottom:

NOTE: If the README has many more badges, you might want to consider using a table for badges: see this example. Such a table should be more wide than high. (Note that the a badge for pyOpenSci peer-review will be provided upon acceptance.)


Reviewers are encouraged to submit suggestions (or pull requests) that will improve the usability of the package as a whole. Package structure should follow general community best-practices. In general please consider whether:


For packages also submitting to JOSS

Note: Be sure to check this carefully, as JOSS's submission requirements and scope differ from pyOpenSci's in terms of what types of packages are accepted.

The package contains a paper.md matching JOSS's requirements with:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 2

Review Comments

This is a very nicely done package with high functionality. I really like the way the vingette is written. It's very interactive. I just have a few minor comments:

Aishwarya120111 commented 5 months ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Readme file requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:

The README should include, from top to bottom:

NOTE: If the README has many more badges, you might want to consider using a table for badges: see this example. Such a table should be more wide than high. (Note that the a badge for pyOpenSci peer-review will be provided upon acceptance.)


Reviewers are encouraged to submit suggestions (or pull requests) that will improve the usability of the package as a whole. Package structure should follow general community best-practices. In general please consider whether:


For packages also submitting to JOSS

Note: Be sure to check this carefully, as JOSS's submission requirements and scope differ from pyOpenSci's in terms of what types of packages are accepted.

The package contains a paper.md matching JOSS's requirements with:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 2 hours

Review Comments

Good Job Team!!! The package is very well-defined with a strong documentation. I have noticed few minor changes:

tonyshumlh commented 5 months ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Readme file requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:

The README should include, from top to bottom:

NOTE: If the README has many more badges, you might want to consider using a table for badges: see this example. Such a table should be more wide than high. (Note that the a badge for pyOpenSci peer-review will be provided upon acceptance.)


Reviewers are encouraged to submit suggestions (or pull requests) that will improve the usability of the package as a whole. Package structure should follow general community best-practices. In general please consider whether:


For packages also submitting to JOSS

Note: Be sure to check this carefully, as JOSS's submission requirements and scope differ from pyOpenSci's in terms of what types of packages are accepted.

The package contains a paper.md matching JOSS's requirements with:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing:

Review Comments

  1. There is no test instruction
  2. The test coverage package can be included in the pyproject.toml
  3. The format in example part and docstring per function script is not consistent (PEP 8 guidelines)
  4. The jupyter notebook package is missing in the pyproject.toml to run example notebook
  5. More badges can be added.
  6. The package looks really cool and supplements what Pandas lacks!