UBC-MDS / vancouver_crime_dashboard

The Vancouver crime statistics dashboard displays criminal incidents that occurred over the past 5 years under the Vancouver Police Department jurisdiction.
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Dataset & Dashboard Brainstorming #1

Closed mmaidana24318 closed 2 years ago

mmaidana24318 commented 2 years ago

Greenhouse gas emissions in Canada https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2020008-eng.htm#datavisualization

This dashboard could be interesting for planning actions in an NGO working on climate change. Some questions we could help respond would be: which industries/sectors are the generating more emissions? which provinces need more traction to decrease emissions? do households follow industries trends?

ciciecho-ds commented 2 years ago

World Happiness Report https://www.kaggle.com/ajaypalsinghlo/world-happiness-report-2021

Audience: global policy makers We can make a dashboard answering questions such as: what are the world's happiest countries according to the report? What factors seem to contribute the most to happiness? What are the trends in the world's happiness 2005? What are the differences in happiness and happiness factors among the world's different regions and countries?

sy25wang commented 2 years ago

Crime in Vancouver https://geodash.vpd.ca/opendata/#

Audience: Vancouver Police Department The data can be used to present frequency of crimes (pie or bar chart), time distribution (bar char), trends of total crimes (line plot) to give the police department a better overview of security situation of the city for better planning. Questions can be answered include: what the most frequent crimes happened in Vancouver? Is the crime rate increasing or decreasing over the past few years? Which neighbourhood has the most crimes ocurred?

paradise1260 commented 2 years ago

Online shoppers purchasing intention


The data contains different features which help us determine if the customer will purchase or not. There are a mixture of categorical and numeric features. Some questions that can be answered via the dashboard:

  1. Are the customers who shop on weekends going to purchase products or the customers who shop during the week?
  2. Which months are more revenue-making by the customers?
  3. Will customers purchase more on Special Days?
  4. What is the distribution of Exit Rates for the customers who end up purchasing?
sy25wang commented 2 years ago

We will go with Crime in Vancouver dataset.