UBC-R-Study-group / studyGroup

UBC R Study Group
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Winter 2019 #24

Closed arnavs closed 5 years ago

arnavs commented 5 years ago

Will this group be meeting this semester?

ttimbers commented 5 years ago

Yes! I think there will be a very informal meeting today at 1 in Koerner 216, and then actually start formally next week. Please come today if you can/want!

arnavs commented 5 years ago

Perfect, I'm in.

ttimbers commented 5 years ago


What do we want to learn?

Should we organize our own beginner workshop?

brian604 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am Jiwon Kim who came yesterday for first session. I have a time conflict because I have a class (MWF 1:00 PM~ 2:00 PM; Also I have TueThu 11~12, 2:00 ~ 3:00 PM)

brian604 commented 5 years ago

Hello, this is just a side-note. I would like to publicize a project I will start to work on, and I believe that R-study group page is hosted by GitHub. Could any of you teach me how, to make a website using Github?

arnavs commented 5 years ago

@brian604 My personal website is hosted through github (https://github.com/arnavs/website is the source repository).

Send me an email at arnav.sood@ubc.ca and I can try and help you out.

ian-flores commented 5 years ago

@ttimbers @minisciencegirl @arnavs - I can collaborate for the 3hr workshop covering the tidyverse.

Also for the talk about Machine Learning in R, I can do it the first week of March on the 6th.

arnavs commented 5 years ago

I can do the julia one (if that's something people want, I know at least one person two weeks ago was interested). Late March would probably be best. I've figured out how to set up my own JupyterHub for the talk, so no more technical issues :-)

laijasmine commented 5 years ago

interested in helping out with organizing/teaching the beginner workshop! Hopefully I can get out of my lab meeting to come to the planning session.

minisciencegirl commented 5 years ago

Beginner workshop planning will be issue #27.

We've tentatively set the schedule for our winter session below. If the time doesn't work for you, please let us know and switch it with one of the work-a-longs. Thank you!

Date Topic Name GitHub username
2019-01-30 Work-a-long and Planning
2019-02-06 Workshop Planning
2019-02-13 Workshop Planning
2019-02-20 Intro Plotting (gg, scatter, histograms, etc.) Richie Zitomer @rzitomer
2019-02-27 Work-a-long
2019-03-06 Exploratory Data Analysis Aaron Quintin @aaronquinton
2019-03-13 Work-a-long
2019-03-20 Machine Learning in R Ian Flores @ian-flores
2019-03-27 Work-a-long
2019-04-03 The Julia Programming Language Arnav Sood @arnavs
2019-04-10 Work-a-long
2019-04-17 purr Travis Blimkie @travis-m-blimkie
2019-04-24 Work-a-long
2019-05-01 Non-Standard Evaluation in R Amy Lee @minisciencegirl
2019-05-08 Group Project Presentations/Party
2019-05-15 End-of-year Party

@ian-flores and @travis-m-blimkie: would you guys be able to create issues/ post for the scheduled sessions?