UBC-STAT / stat545.stat.ubc.ca

Repository that produces the STAT 545 @ UBC website
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Improvements based on 2021 iteration #89

Open vincenzocoia opened 3 years ago

vincenzocoia commented 3 years ago

Lec A2 and A3 swap

I think it would just make more sense if the authoring lecture (currently lec 3) was swapped with version control (currently lec 2). It's currently a little awkward talking about plain text for version control before I really get into what that is.

vincenzocoia commented 3 years ago

Class on Imagine Day

The first two weeks (3 lectures) are reserved for getting set up with the tools. But students would benefit from an extra day. Perhaps open up class on Imagine Day, if only an optional one for installation.

vincenzocoia commented 2 years ago

Mini Data Analysis

One idea is to combine the milestones so that there are two instead of three. This would reduce the grading load, and allow for more time for feedback, while still keeping the concepts covered intact so that student learning is not impacted.