This master issue outlines the major updates and improvements planned for the UBC Rover's robotic arm in 2023. We aim to implement advanced features such as inverse kinematics with real-time servo jogging, real-time visualization, end-effector force sensing, and modular, robust firmware.
What we are/will be working with
Robotic Arm: 6 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) with an end effector
Actuators: Stepper motors for joint movement and end effector actuation
Feedback Systems/sensors: Encoders for position feedback on each axis, limit switch on each axis, and a force sensor on the end effector
Communication: Serial communication between Teensy 4.1 MCU and the onboard Intel NUC computer
Robot Operating System (ROS) 1 Noetic: Our primary platform for high-level robot control logic
ROS MoveIt: For planning and kinematics
Zephyr RTOS: Real-Time Operating System running on Teensy 4.1 for firmware-level tasks
Custom ROS Packages: ArmSerialDriver to replace ArmHardwareDriver.
Custom Firmware Packages: arm_firmware_teensy41
Implement Inverse Kinematics for more precise arm movements
Real-time servo jogging for immediate arm adjustments
Real-time visualization of arm positioning
Integrate a force sensor on the end effector for tactile feedback
Develop robust and modular firmware that is able to recover itself when something goes wrong
Complete demo moveit package with new URDF.
Switch to real joint position data and visualize realtime position of arm in Rviz
This master issue outlines the major updates and improvements planned for the UBC Rover's robotic arm in 2023. We aim to implement advanced features such as inverse kinematics with real-time servo jogging, real-time visualization, end-effector force sensing, and modular, robust firmware.
What we are/will be working with