UBC-Thunderbots / Software

Robot Soccer Playing AI
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Upgrade GCC and support C++20/C++23 in build toolchains #3242

Open williamckha opened 4 days ago

williamckha commented 4 days ago

Description of the task

Linux fullsystem currently builds with the -std=c++2a and -fconcepts flags on which enables some experimental implementations of C++20 features like concepts, but ideally we want to upgrade GCC so that we can get C++20 and C++23 features like ranges, std::optional monadic operations, etc.

Thunderloop currently builds with C++17.

Acceptance criteria

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itsarune commented 4 days ago

We are a bit bottlenecked by Nvidia because the official cross-compile toolchain for the Jetsons only support up to C++17 iirc. Won't be an issue with the Pis