UBCSailbot / raye-global-pathfinding

UBC Sailbot's Global Pathfinding Repository: A* pathfinding that creates sailing paths with minimized length and desirable wind speeds throughout.
MIT License
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Remove nanogui, as it is hindering integration with navigation #42

Closed tylerlum closed 3 years ago

tylerlum commented 3 years ago

Problem from Bruno:

""" Hey Tyler we're currently trying to integrate the electrical/software system on the navigation team which includes your global-pathfinding repository. We made your repository a submodule of the network-table since we know you guys are still updating the code however when we try to clone it on our integration setup, we cannot because your submodules are using https keys instead of ssh keys. Is it possible for you guys to migrate from https to ssh keys on your .gitmodules file? I dont know how much of a hassle that will be since I think you guys also have a CI client.

yeah i think there's one more repository (I think it's the nanogui) that's in your .gitmodules that uses https submodules as well. I'm not sure if it's just better to fork it and change the modules manually and redirect it there or if there's a better way """

Solution: remove nanogui submodule, as it is not being used by the current system.

This PR removes the git submodule and cmake usage of nanogui. All tests still pass and pathfinding runs the same.

NOTE: there is some annoying git cache issue with submodules (should only happen the one time transitioning to adding this change, otherwise should be resolved after). When I made this change and tried ./configure, I got the following error:

fatal: No url found for submodule path 'lib/nanogui' in .gitmodules

If you get this, you need to run:

git rm --cached lib/nanogui 

This should fix the problem. Then you can run the ./configure script as usual.

(I actually got error fatal: Please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed. I just needed to add .gitmodules to fix this. Shouldn't have this problem if you do this from this branch)

tylerlum commented 3 years ago

Follow https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/utility/install-ssh-key?view=azure-devops for Azure pipelines key.

Follow https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent for local computer key

tylerlum commented 3 years ago

Try this, not working https://dev.to/7d1/using-go-modules-from-private-repositories-in-azure-devops-pipelines-44dk

tylerlum commented 3 years ago

Issue resolved with Brielle's magic. Got ssh key with UBCSailbot account