Enhancements to our new project over Raye. Some may be solved implicitly as we migrate our codebase, but others will have to be solved explicitly. If a task is solved implicitly, check it off. If planning to solve a task explicitly, convert it to an issue.
[ ] Transfer this issue from the tasks to local_pathfinding repo once it is created
MIgrated from raye-local-pathfinding
Not migrated from raye-local-pathfinding
[ ] Change boat speet during runtime: use ROS parameters?
[ ] Quit faster on CTRL+C: switch from while-loop to rospy.spin()?
[ ] Reproduce run from logs: use ROS bags?
[ ] Behavior at destination (during data collection)
[ ] Set geographical limits on valid paths: is this necessary? Discuss with MECH
Consider defining valid waypoints rather than invalid waypoints
[ ] Mock local pathfinding: manually control desired heading
Enhancements to our new project over Raye. Some may be solved implicitly as we migrate our codebase, but others will have to be solved explicitly. If a task is solved implicitly, check it off. If planning to solve a task explicitly, convert it to an issue.
MIgrated from raye-local-pathfinding
Not migrated from raye-local-pathfinding
: switch from while-loop torospy.spin()