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迁移学习 #6

Open WMJi opened 6 years ago

WMJi commented 6 years ago

迁移学习:将所有的图片交给 VGG16,利用 VGG16 的深度网络结构中的五轮卷积网络层和池化层,对每张图片得到一个 4096 维的特征向量,然后我们直接用这个特征向量替代原来的图片,再加若干层全连接的神经网络,在花朵特征向量集和花朵标签集上进行训练。本质上,我们是将 VGG16 作为一个图片特征提取器,然后在此基础上再进行一次普通的神经网络学习,这样就将原先的 244 224 3 维度的数据转化为了 4096 维的,而每一维度的信息量大大提高,从而大大降低了计算资源的消耗,实现了把学习物体识别中得到的知识应用到特殊的花朵分类问题上。

WMJi commented 6 years ago

迁移学习怎么做?迁移成分分析 (TCA) 方法简介

WMJi commented 6 years ago

理解《A Survey on Transfer Learning》 Pan S J, Yang Q. A Survey on Transfer Learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, 2010, 22(10):1345-1359.

Abstract—A major assumption in many machinelearning and data mining algorithms is that the training and future data mustbe in the same feature space and have the same distribution. However, in manyreal-world applications, this assumption may not hold. For example, wesometimes have a classification task in one domain of interest, but we onlyhave sufficient training data in another domain of interest, where the latterdata may be in a different feature space or follow a different data distribution.In such cases, knowledge transfer, if done successfully, would greatly improvethe performance of learning by avoiding much expensive data-labeling efforts.In recent years, transfer learning has emerged as a new learning framework toaddress this problem. This survey focuses on categorizing and reviewing thecurrent progress on transfer learning for classification, regression, andclustering problems. In this survey, we discuss the relationship betweentransfer learning and other related machine learning techniques such as domainadaptation, multitask learning and sample selection bias, as wellas covariate shift. We also explore some potential future issues in transferlearning research.


WMJi commented 6 years ago

(same here)

WMJi commented 6 years ago

迁移学习 (Transfer Learning)领域历史&发展前景