UC-Davis-molecular-computing / scadnano

Web application for designing DNA structures such as DNA origami.
MIT License
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Closes #974 DNA misalignment #975

Closed rayzhuca closed 1 month ago

rayzhuca commented 1 month ago

Fixes letter spacing for all font types by switching back to textLength as opposed to letterSpacing.


We can see that the screenshot in #974, the user is using "Lucida Console", which explains the misalignment because the letterSpacing value is hardcoded for "Consolas" font. The fix the bug, we just switched back to using textLength.


2_staple_2_helix_origami_deletions_insertions_mods_main (1)

dave-doty commented 1 month ago

Did you base this branch from dev or main? I see all these strange commits which makes me think it was based from main:


rayzhuca commented 1 month ago

I'm not really sure why these commits showed up. I remember branching from dev and the most recent commit, I rebased to dev.

rayzhuca commented 1 month ago

I had to git push --force after rebase for some reason but it works now.