UC-Irvine-CS175 / final-project-e-mcheese-2

final-project-e-mcheese-2 created by GitHub Classroom
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Perform TSNE on Segmentation Masks #11

Open JarrodRShepherd opened 1 year ago

JarrodRShepherd commented 1 year ago


Perform TSNE on the watershed segmentation masks to determine if these separate better than the raw images. If they do, then we can go ahead and train a U-Net model on these watershed segmentation masks. If we are not satisfied with the results from TSNE, then we can train an unsupervised segmentation model and determine if these masks have better separation.



JarrodRShepherd commented 1 year ago

These are the outputs of TSNE on our watershed masks.

tsne_pca_4hr_Gy_hi tsne_direct_4hr_Gy_hi

These results are not great, as TSNE was not able to easily separate the two classes. We then experimented with different thresholding techniques and watershed parameters. The results from these further experiments were better than the images shown here, but still did not produce good separable results.

Thinking about future steps, we have two options. The first is to iterate through many watershed parameters to determine which produces separable TSNE results. The second is to train an unsupervised model and then analyze the TSNE results of the masks produced by this model.